{Chapter 25}

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The week went by fast, and soon it was Saturday morning. I was up and at 'em at six in the morning, already looking forward to the Hogsmeade trip. Draco had Ally, so that was one less thing for me to take care of.

I waltzed around the dorm, tying my hair up in a messy bun after my morning shower. Hermione came up beside me. "Well...what're you in such a good mood about?"

I shrugged. "Nothing really. Looking forward to the trip I suppose. And plus, I actually got some sleep last night."

She nodded. "Yes, Blaise has Nicholas. Though I will miss him today, the poor little thing-"

"Hermione," I scolded her, rolling my eyes then laughing.

"Well, I will!" She protested.

Once everyone was ready and it was time to go, we loaded up in the carriages. Draco and I took a separate one than the trio; we were in one with Luna Lovegood.

"Hello Luna," I said.

"Hello Kenna," she replied absentmindedly. "Hello Draco."

Draco nodded to her, then made a face at me. I nudged him harshly.

A few minutes had passed whenever I felt the warmth of Draco's fingers lacing themselves through mine. I didn't say anything, only smiled to myself as I looked out the window. He could be sweet when he wanted to be.

We got out, and I was looking around for my other friends, but couldn't find them anywhere. Oh well. We walked into HoneyDukes, the closest store, and started to walk around. Our hands never detached.

I had just picked up a Chocolate Frog whenever there was a loud commotion coming from outside. It sounded like screams. We hurriedly made our way back outside, and Draco quickly pulled me out of the way just before I was ran over by a store owner running for his life.

"What the bloody-"

"Death Eaters!"

And that was when everything erupted into complete chaos.

There were students, professors, customers, and employees running every which way. There were terrifying screams filling my ears and all I could do was grip onto Draco's hand. We tried to make our way through the crowd, not really knowing where to go.

And finally I could see them: too many cloaked and masked figures to count. They all had their wands out, firing away spell by spell at innocent bystanders.

Draco jerked me away. "Let's go!"

But I resisted. "We have to do something!"

"Kenna, if we do anything except try to get away, we're only going to get ourselves killed. Now let's go!"

This time I let him drag me away. We were running through confused crowds of witches and wizards as people on brooms zoomed overhead. Every so often, I could hear the sound of a spell being shouted as someone near me would drop. That was what frightened me the most.

In the middle of all the chaos, I caught sight of Mione's bushy hair and called out to her. "Hermione! Hermione!"

But I watched as her, Ron, and Harry made their way inside of a store.

I had no time to stop, because Draco was practically running, clutching onto my hand. By now, my palm was sweating inside his, but it didn't much matter.

"Move!" Draco shouted, and shoved me over, causing me to hit the ground with enough force to knock the air out of me. It was safe to say I had broken a rib or two.

I watched as Draco stood over me, turned around and shouted, "Flipendo!" He then quickly helped me up and we resumed running, him looking behind us every so often to shoot another spell.

I had to lean into his side, because I could barely move with my rib. "I'm sorry," he breathed out in between breaths, "But I had to, he would've hurt you."

"It's alright," I said. "It's alright."

We fumbled up to one of the carriages and slung the door open. Draco helped me in, but just before he had a chance to crawl in, a Death Eater sent a spell at the carriage, causing it to blast open.

"Draco!" The Death Eater shouted.

But I recognized that voice...

"Father," Draco whispered from beside me.

"Whatever are you doing, son? Helping the filthy blood-traitor? Pathetic."

I sensed Draco tense up. He wanted to defend me. He just couldn't.

I let out a small gasp as a sharp pain shot through my side. Draco's head immediately turned in my direction. He helped me out of the broken carriage and into another without saying a word. "Be safe, love. I'll see you soon." I hadn't registered what he had said until he shut the door and locked it. It took off and I shouted after him.

And that was when I blacked out.

Hey guys! I know I haven't updated in a while and I'm soooo sorry! I'm going to get back on this story and start updating regularly I promise! 😘😘 Thx for reading!! Vote, comment, whatever

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