{Chapter 23}

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The next morning, I was walking to Potions with Mione. I caught a glimpse of Draco's brightly colored head and sped up to catch up with him. "Hey," I said.

He gave me a cold side-glance. Then he sped up, seemingly trying to out-walk me.


But he kept going, actually faster than he had before.


I started walking at an even faster pace than I had before, trying my hardest to catch up with him. He was power walking down the hallway, and I had to break into a full-on sprint to get up to him. My books fell out of my arms, but I didn't even bother to look back at them.

I grabbed his shoulder, and pulled him back. "Draco! Talk to me!"

"I'd rather not." He stared into my eyes for about two seconds before breaking it off. "I don't want to do this, Kenna."

"Do what? What are you talking about?"

He glared at me in shock and disgust. "I don't like being thrown under the rug."

"What rug? What do you mean?"

"You and Potter, of course!" Whenever I continued to stare at him in confusion, he added, "I'm done with you, you filthy, pathetic, little-"

"Draco, Stop! You're scaring me!" I exclaimed, tears beginning to run down my face. "What happened? What did I do?"

But he completely ignored me, and walked briskly out of my view. I rolled myself into a little ball against the wall and cried. What had I done?

Just then, I felt a tap on my shoulder, and hesitantly looked up. It was Hermione. When I saw her, I sobbed, "I-I think Draco just broke up with me."

She sighed and slid down the wall, so that she was level with me. "Kenna...Kenna, I think I know what happened. Well, Ron and I-we were just talking about what happened last night, this morning at breakfast, and...and, well, I'm not positive, but I think Malfoy must've overheard our conversation."

"Well, What were you saying?"

"We were only saying how you and Harry were in the bed together...I suppose that does sound bad, doesn't it?"

"Yes, it most certainly does!" I leapt up and sprinted towards the Slytherin Common Room. He had to be there. He just had to.

I banged on the door, begging someone to let me in. It was then that I remembered I knew the password. "Pure-Blood!" I shouted, and the door opened, and I flew through it, up to the boys' dormitories. I found the door locked, and quickly took out my wand. "Alohamora."

(Idk if that's how u spell it so don't hate on me for that^^)

The door didn't budge. They must've had protective charms on it.

I cried, "Let me in! Oh, Draco, let me in! Please! Let me talk to you!" I heard mumbling going on in the room, though I couldn't tell what was being said. I yanked and pulled at the knob, with no luck.

Finally, the door eased open, and I saw that Blaise had opened it. Then he and the rest of the boys filed out of the room, leaving only Draco and myself. "Draco-"

"I told you, I don't want to do this."

"And I told you, let me talk to you!"

Then there was a silence.

I walked over to where he was sitting on his bed and took a seat on the windowsill beside him. Merlin, had I messed up. I finally decided to say, "I'm sorry. That's all I have to say. I know that you probably won't believe me but...we were only being friendly. And that's the truth. I sware on my cousin Julianna."

Draco stared at me for a moment before a small smile began to dance along his lips. "Then I still wouldn't know if you were telling the truth, would I?"

"Oh, Draco!" I exclaimed, and threw myself at him. I wrapped my arms around his neck. "I thought you wouldn't believe me."

He shrugged. "Everyone deserves a second chance. You gave me one."

All I did was grin at him. "I love you."

"I love you too."

I got off the bed and grabbed his hand. "C'mon, let's get out of here. Remember, we get to see Ally today! And we can't see her if we're late to class."

Sorry for the short chapter, but I just really wanted to publish something today. Pls vote or comment to make me feel better!! I love all of you!!
And yayyyy I'm finally to 200 reads!!

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