{Chapter 13}

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I was in my last class of the day, Defense Against the Dark Arts. Snape was giving a huge speech on the Cruciatus curse. I was bobbing Ally up and down on my leg and making silly faces at her. It was the only way to make her happy when she was with me.

"Miss Starr?" I heard his voice ask.

I looked up.

"Is there something more important than today's lesson?"

Well, sure there was. There were many things that were more important that today's lesson. There were too many to name. It would take years to name them all. "No," I finally answered.

"Well, it seems that there is. Quit playing with that child and focus."

"Oh, I'm sorry professor. But, you see, this child is my Muggle Studies grade for this semester. And if I don't do what I can to make her happy and take care of her, I will get a bad grade, and might not pass that class. So, if you have a problem with Ally, you should take it up with Professor Burbage, not me."

I put on a triumphant face as I heard snickers around me. "Silence!" Snape shouted. The classroom grew deadly quiet.

"Miss Starr," he said through gritted teeth. "Would you like a detention?"

"No sir, I actually wouldn't like that."

"Then I suggest you keep your snarky comments to yourself."

"Yes, professor." I had to hide my face to keep from grinning wildly.

"Now, class, turn to page 394."
It was dinner, and I was sitting with Draco at the Slytherin Table. We hadn't spoken about what had happened yesterday; there was nothing to say.

I was beginning to be hopeful that he liked me, too. I mean, why else would he have kissed me like that yesterday? Of course, there was always the possibility that he was only using me for some unknown reason. He could be playing me, like he had already done half the girls at Hogwarts. But I had a feeling that he actually liked me...

"What're you smiling about?" Draco's voice asked from my right.

Crap. I had been smiling at the thought. "Um...I was just thinking about what I said to Snape today." Nice save, Kenna.

"Oh yeah, that was pretty wicked." He took a bite of a green apple.

I nodded. I turned around, just to sneak a look at Hermione over at the Gryffindor Table with Blaise. She had a book out in front of her, talking a million words a minute. Poor Blaise. I turned back around, and saw Draco's hand snatch a strawberry off of my plate. "Hey!"

"What?" He asked, his mouth full...of my strawberry.

I looked onto his plate and saw that he had a delicious looking maple sugar cake. I picked it up, and popped it right into my mouth. I smirked.

"Fair enough," he said, then smirked.

I stood up. "I'm going to go talk to Hermione for a bit. I'll be right back." I left Ally with him, then began walking over to the Gryffindor Table. I took a seat between Lavender Brown and Mione.

"Hi, Kenna," Ron said. He was holding his baby, Felicity.

"Hi," I said. Then I turned to Mione. "What're you reading?"

"Hogwarts: A History. You should try it out. It gives many interesting facts about the history of Hogwarts, as well as many famous witches and wizards that have gone here. Did you know that-"

"Yes, that's all very interesting, but I need to talk to you about something."

"What is it?"

I eyed Harry and Ron, so she would get the point. "Ooohh," She said. Then she turned to Blaise and said, "I have to go for a bit. I'll be right back."

She followed me out of the Dining Hall and into the hallway, taking Nicholas with her. "What happened?"

So I proceeded to tell her all about yesterday in the lake, since I hadn't had time to tell her yet. Of course, she freaked out and started fangirling right on the spot. I had to calm her down. "Well, I'd better go. He's waiting on me."

Hermione nodded, and walked back to the Gryffindor Table. I was walking towards the Slytherin Table whenever I heard someone say "Kenna." I turned my head in the direction, and saw that it was Theodore Nott. Why was Nott talking about me?

I decided to hide myself behind the drapes, so I could listen in on his conversation. "...Kenna," he was saying. "Don't call her Kenna. Call her Starr."

"Right. Starr." It was Draco's voice. "What about her?"

"It's just that you've been spending quite a lot of time with her, mate, and we couldn't have you falling for a Gryffindork, could we? Just tell me that you don't have any feelings for her."

My heart was in my stomach, and it was beating faster than ever.

"...Right. Of course I don't. I only spend time with her because I have to, you know for Burbage's stupid project. She's nothing more than a pathetic blood-traitor, and I honestly couldn't think any less of her."

Tears began forming in my eyes, and I was madly trying to wipe them away, but they wouldn't stop. One after the other, they kept coming, like a waterfall running down my face. I covered my face and ran out of the Dining Hall, not bothering to look back.

"Kenna!" Draco's voice called.

But I was done with him and his games.

Thanks to everyone reading! This was an exciting chapter to write, and I can't wait to write the next few!! Comment, vote, follow!!

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