{Chapter 21}

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The week went by fast. I still hadn't mentioned anything about my knowing about the cabinet to Draco. I decided that I would let him talk first. If he wanted me to know, he would tell me. And that was that.

We were on our way back to Hogwarts whenever he brought it up. "Kenna...you know how you said that you wouldn't let me fail?"

Oh no.

"...Yeah? What happened?"

"Well...my assignment...ugh...I can't do it...I just won't be able to."

"What is your assignment?" I asked timidly.

He wouldn't make eye contact with me, he would just look down at his clothes and fiddle with them. "It's...it's awful, really..."

"Draco, tell me." He was scaring me.

"I-I must bring the other Death Eaters into Hogwarts and then...then I have to-to kill...Er...Dumbledore..."

I didn't say anything for a long while. But when I did, I said, "We have to do something."

"No!" He latched onto my arm and then said in a calmer voice, "No. He cannot know that I've told you. He'll kill my whole family. He can't know."

"He won't know. I don't have a gossip session every morning with Volde-"

"Don't say his name! Kenna, you have to be careful nowadays." Then he sighed.

"I'm sorry, I just...you can't kill Dumbledore!"

"I know."

I sat thinking for a little while. "Draco, what if we talked with Harry and-"

"No! We can't talk with anyone, don't you understand? What's Potter going to do anyways? All he'll do is rally up a group and think they're powerful enough to defeat the Dark Lord. But they won't be. Because no one can defeat him!"

He was wrong about no one being able to defeat Voldemort, but I couldn't help but think he was right about the Harry part. That was most likely exactly what Harry would do.

I sighed. "You're wrong. He can be defeated. The right people can defeat him. Harry is the Chosen One anyways, right?" I smirked at him.

He couldn't help but smile back. "Right. But still."
When we apparated back to Hogwarts, Hermione came flying at me. "Kenna!" And then she had her arms wrapped around me.

"I missed you too, Mione, but honestly, it was only a week," I laughed.

"A week too long! And I just can't wait to see Nicholas again! Oh, I missed him so much!"

We met up with Harry and Ron, then Draco somehow disappeared. I didn't think much of it; he was most likely greeting some of his Slytherin friends. The four of us walked into the castle and took our seats in the Dining Hall. I looked around, but still couldn't see Draco anywhere. Hmm.

We would get the babies back tomorrow, during our Muggle Studies class. Hermione was enraged by this, but for me, it meant one last good night's sleep.

We were walking back to the Fat Lady's portrait whenever Harry suddenly clenched onto my hand and squeezed it tight. I looked to him. "What is it, Harry? What's wrong?" His face was smushed up, as if he was wincing.

"Harry, what is it?" I repeated. We had stopped in the hallway. Ron and Hermione were too far ahead to know what was happening.

"I-I just..." He pulled a hand up to touch his forehead, and then I knew what it was.

"Harry, it's your scar, isn't it? C'mon, I'm taking you to Dumbledore-"

Then he let go of my hand. "No, I-I'm fine, really..."

"No you're not! Your whole body is tensed and you can barely talk, I feel like you're going to fall over any second-"

"...I-I'm fine-" He slurred, just before stumbling over. Thankfully, I caught him in my arms just in time, but he was heavy. He was so heavy. I almost fell to the floor trying to hold him up.

I looked down the hallway, my eyes searching desperately for someone, anyone. "Hermione! Hermione! Help! Please, help! Ron!"

I looked back down at Harry. He was completely out. But I could feel his heart beating slowly in his chest. He was probably unconscious or something.

I lifted my head back up. "Hermione! Please! Dumbledore! Someone! Help me!" Tears were beginning to form in my eyes, and my arms were straining under the weight of Harry's body.

I thought about leaving him there to run for help, but just then, Draco rounded the corner. I shouted out to him, "Draco! Run! Get Madame Pomfrey and Dumbledore! Go!"

He stopped and stared at me for a short second, but I shouted again, "Go! Quick!" And he took off back in the direction he had come from.

I steadied my breath and tried to focus on the rhythmic beating of Harry's heart. I fixed his head so that it was lying in my lap; it was much more comfortable for me that way so that my arms weren't aching.

Soon, Draco came running around the corner with Dumbledore on his heels and Madame Pomfrey on his. He ran to me and leant his hands on his knees, panting.

Madame Pomfrey took one side of Harry, and Draco took the other. They began walking hurriedly towards the infirmary. Dumbledore and I followed close behind.

We entered the Hospital Wing, and they lied Harry on a bed. Madame Pomfrey said, "He's alive, just unconscious. We'll have to wait for him to wake up. Then I'll give him something to ease the pain."

"What happened?" Draco asked me.

"His scar was hurting badly, and we started arguing about it, and he just...passed out..."

I turned to Dumbledore. "Sir?"

"Yes, Miss Starr?"

"Well...Lately, Harry has been going through quite a lot of pain. I've been trying to convince him to turn to you, but he won't. I don't know why. Maybe it's because of his pride...I only want you to know how bad it's been recently."

Dumbledore gave me a sincere nod. "Yes, yes, I've been waiting for news like this. Very well. Thank you, Kenna."

I smiled warmly. "You're welcome."

Draco and I made our way out of the infirmary, and started walking down the hallway.

Sorry it took me so long to update, but I've just been struggling lately. Thx to everyone who's reading this!

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