{Chapter 6}

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I woke up earlier than usual, excited about the upcoming day. I decided not to wear my robes to Hogsmeade. It wouldn't hurt to dress cute for one day.

I showered, then fixed my hair up in a cute curly ponytail, then did my makeup. I put on a bit more today than usual. Something about today was putting a pep in my step.

I slipped on a short black dress with black flats. I put on my necklace that had a Gryffindor pendant attached to it, then looked at myself in the mirror. The dress showed off my tan skin.

I had always considered myself average, but today I looked good.

Hermione shrieked when she saw me, tackling me and screeching, "Oh, Kenna! Who're you dressing up for?"

I giggled. "No one. I just decided to look decent today, that's all."

Mione smirked. Of course she wouldn't believe me. I didn't even believe me.

This had something to do with a certain Slytherin, and even I knew that. I sighed at myself, getting all fixed up for Malfoy. What was happening to me?

We found Harry and Ron in the common room, then the four of us made our way to the carriages, arm in arm. On the way, I caught Malfoy's eye, and he looked me up and down, smirking, just before winking at me. I smiled in response.

Then, I inwardly scolded myself. He is freaking Draco Malfoy. Get a hold of yourself, Kenna.

The professors had agreed to watch all of the sixth years babies so that we all could actually have a good time without having to watch infants. Most people, like me, were relieved about this. But others, like Hermione, were absolutely crushed. She sulked all the way to Hogsmeade, Nicholas this, Nicholas that.

Harry and I made small talk, since Ron was too busy trying to comfort Mione as she whined.

"He's a Death Eater," Harry randomly said.

"What?" I asked.

"Malfoy. He's clearly a Death Eater...Just thought you should know."

"...Oh...Well, he might be...I don't know...It's not like I care."

Harry shrugged. "You just seem to be spending an awful lot of time with him-"

"Harry, I'm not questioning how much time you spend with Pansy, am I? No. We only spend time together because we have to."

He nodded. "I know...I'm just trying to look out for you's all. I care about you, believe it or not." He smiled.

"I know, and I appreciate it, but I can handle myself, I promise."

He lifted his hands up as if to say I'm innocent. "Alright, alright." We laughed.

Once we got to Hogsmeade, I told the trio, "Well...I'm going to the bathrooms, no need to wait on me, just carry on, I'll find you all in a minute, alright?"

They nodded, and I made my way to the Shrieking Shack. Before I had even approached it, I could see Malfoy's bright head. I giggled.

He turned around at the sound and smirked at me. "What is it you wanted to show me?" I asked.

"What made you bend the rules?" He asked, totally ignoring my question. He was stepping closer to me, causing me to back up with every step he took.

I shrugged. "I felt like it."

"...Fair enough. C'mon." He tried to take my hand, but I snatched it out of his reach. I followed him to the edge of the wood, then I stopped when he kept going.

"Where're you going?"

"It's only a bit farther, hurry up, will you?"

"Malfoy, do you realize that my friends are most likely wondering where in the heck I went?"

He grabbed my hand, and I tried to wiggle free of him, but he had a firm grasp. So there we were, walking hand in hand in the wood, my heart beating rapidly in my chest.

And suddenly, we were standing in the middle of a field of daisies, my favorite flower. And there were millions of them, and the field stretched out for as long as my eye could see.

It was like something out of one of those Muggle movies, because it was a quite dramatic scene, as you can probably imagine. We were holding hands in the middle of a field of daisies while my hair was whipping wilding around my head in the hot wind, and my dress was threatening to blow up at any second.

I turned towards Malfoy. "They're-they're beautiful!" Then I eyed him suspiciously. "Who told you daisies were my favorite flower?"

He shrugged. "I have my resources."

I playfully slapped his shoulder. "Who told you?"

"Granger let it slip to Blaise."

I nodded my head.

We turned around to exit, and began walking back through the woods. It really was a lovely place. I looked behind my shoulder, through the woods, when we had finally came out at the edge of it.

And that's when I noticed that we were still holding hands. I pulled mine out of his, and instantly, he had pulled me to him, and I knew what was going to happen, and I honestly wanted it to happen, but I couldn't let it happen...

And so right when he began to lean in, I pushed him away, then walked away briskly. He called after me, "Kenna!"

But I only looked behind my shoulder and smiled, then waved. I had walked all the way down the path to the Shrieking Shack, then decided to look at him a last time. And he was still standing there, his arms crossed, smirking at me.

"Goodbye, Malfoy!" I smirked.

"Call me Draco!" He shouted back.

"Goodbye Draco!" I corrected, giggling, then turned and walked away, towards The Three Broomsticks.

A/N::You guys should really check out my other fics...just sayin😂

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