{Chapter 15}

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The next morning, Draco and I walked to class together, hand in hand. We earned quite a lot of stares from many curious onlookers, but I shook it off. This was what I wanted.

Most stares were that of curiosity. Some were of pure disgust, while others were of confusion. But I didn't care. Really, the only person in the world that I was afraid to find out was Harry. Because Harry was really close to me. Not as close as Hermione, but closer than Ron. He was in between.

Draco, Ally, and I walked into the Potions classroom, taking a seat at our desk. Immediately, Draco mumbled, "I'm going to curse Parkinson if she doesn't quit glaring."

I giggled. "Well, she's not the only one."

"Really, this isn't bothering you?"

I shrugged, adjusting Ally in my lap. "Sure it is. But I don't much care about people like Pansy. I-I only care about certain people, like...like Harry maybe." I looked away then, because I knew how his reaction would be.

I could hear Draco give off a disgusted sigh. But that was all. I mean, he shouldn't be jealous because of Harry. Harry and I were only friends. Besides, he was basically dating Ginny.

I didn't even know what Draco and I were. Sure, we had kissed and everything, and had practically said that we loved each other. But what did that mean? He hadn't asked me out, so I knew we weren't dating. But, what were we? I didn't know. I pondered this question the rest of the class, and then most of Muggle Studies.

I sat with Draco at lunch. And then the most amazing thing happened. My class after lunch was History of Magic, a class that Draco wasn't in. So, as Hermione and I were walking out of the Dining Hall, Draco gently kissed me on the cheek then said, "See you later." Then he winked at me, and walked away.

I was a bit shocked, but excited nonetheless. But then I saw that Harry had witnessed the scene. Harry. Why did it have to be Harry? He gave me a look of shock and confusion. I turned my head in the other direction, pulling Mione along with me to our classroom.

We walked into History of Magic. Hermione and I took and seat, and soon Harry and Ron sat at the table directly beside us. Great. I could hear Harry murmur something in Ron's ear. Something to do with "Kenna," and "Malfoy, the bloody git."

I quit listening then, and turned to Mione. "HarrysawDracokissmeonthecheeck."

"What?" She asked, and she honestly looked frightened for my sanity.

I took in a deep breath, and said-

"What were you doing with Malfoy?" No, I didn't say that. Harry said that. He had just walked past our table and squatted down, so that he was at our level. Not a second later, Ron was squatted down beside him, looking at me curiously.

"What are you two doing?" Hermione asked.

"We just want to talk to Kenna," Ron answered.

"Well, perhaps Kenna doesn't want to talk right now." She crossed her arms in front of her.

"Oh, I'm sure she does."

"Well, I'm sure she doesn't!"

"She most certainly does!"

"Guys, guys!" It was Harry. "Maybe we should let Kenna talk for herself." He stared at me expectantly, and even though I didn't want to tell him about Draco and I, I smiled at him. I smiled at him. *sigh* Harry just had ways of getting to me that no one else had.

"Right, well...Harry," I looked at him. "What you saw...It-it happened. It completely happened. Draco and I, Well...I really like him, Harry. And he likes me. I'm sorry that I waited out on telling you-"

He sighed. "Don't apologize. I should apologize. I had no reason to make you so afraid to tell me in the first place. I'm sorry."

I gaped down at him. I'm sure that my mouth was dangling wide open. "Harry...it's-it's alright...I just...you seem so calm." Then I smirked at him. "Did Ginny tell you?"

He shook his head. "No, I'm just a calm person."

"You're joking, right?"

He laughed. "Yes, I'm joking! Ginny told me."

"I knew it!"

"Otherwise, I would've completely blew my top. I'm still confused as to why him, but it's your life. You do you."

I gave him a look. "That's not what you're supposed to say. You're supposed to be a supportive friend, Harry."

"Alright, alright. Yes, I believe in you. I believe that there must be something good in the repulsive git if you like him, so there you go. Are you happy how?"

I grinned down at him, then threw my arms around his neck. "Very."
Later that day, I'd been struggling with my homework. I decided to lay out on the Common Room couch and get some rest, since Draco had Ally and that meant that I could actually get some sleep.

I leaned back and lied my head on the fuzzy armrest. I felt myself drifting off to sleep, but then suddenly, someone was lying a soft, warm blanket over my body. And now they were carefully removing my shoes.

I felt the faint touch of two lips on my forehead, and then the whisper of, "I love you, dumb-butt. Goodnight."

I smiled to myself. Harry.

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