{Chapter 19}

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I woke up the next morning to my Dad shouting from the other room. He'd most likely just read the latest news in the Daily Prophet on who won the last Quidditch Match or something.

I got up, still in my pajamas, and walked into Draco's room. The door was open, so I leaned against the doorpost. I looked at him and saw him peek at me from under the covers.

I walked over to the bed and sat on the edge. Draco sat up. "Nice pajamas," I said. He was wearing a plain green t-shirt with green and grey plaid pants.

"Yours aren't too awful either," he said, smirking. I looked down to see what I was wearing. It was a red tank top and black shorts. They both had the Gryffindor symbol on them.

I rolled my eyes and we stood and walked into the kitchen. "At least mine don't have the symbol," he added.

"Whatever, Draco." I rolled my eyes, and hoped that covered my huge grin.

"You guys are so cute," Julianna said. I looked around to find where she was. She was laying across the couch, shoveling ice cream into her face. Woah, when did she get there?

I decided to ignore her. I grabbed an apple and took a bite out of it. "Want one?"

"No, I prefer green apples," Draco said.

"Well, you don't have to be so picky. They all taste the same."

"The green ones are better," he argued.

Julianna sprang up from the couch and walked towards the door. "Aw, Drapple is canon!" Then she exited the house. Wow, she was weird.

"Odd," Draco said.


Later, we had apparated and were walking around Diagon Alley whenever Draco randomly blurted, "I miss Ally."

I giggled and poked his sides. "Aw, it does have a heart!"

"Stop that...And you don't miss her?"

"Well, it depends. Yes, I miss her cuteness and the way she looks at me and the way she blows cute little spit bubbles. But I don't miss all the sleepless nights, and all the crying and screaming and all the spit ups I had to clean up."

Draco nodded. We walked into HoneyDukes and I started to look at the wide variety of candy. They had sugar quills, chocolate frogs, cauldron cakes-

"It sure smells scrumptious in here!" I spun around at the sound of that familiar voice. It was Ron. I looked and saw that he was with Harry and Hermione and the rest of the Weasleys.

Well, I thought. I guess I lost the invitation.

I was just opening my mouth to say hello whenever Draco jerked me into the back. It was dark and musty in there. I started coughing. "Draco, what was that?"

"I didn't want them to see us."

"And why not?"


"Because why?"

"Just because. It's better to avoid them. They don't like me."

"That isn't true! They like you just fine-"

But Draco cut me off with a rough kiss. I kissed him back. So, there we were, in the back of HoneyDukes, having a whole make-out session. When I finally pushed away, (after a long while) I asked him, "Did you only do that to shut me up?"


I sighed. "...Well, it worked."

Hey guys!! Sorry for the extremely short chapter but I'm completely brain dead rn! Pls someone help me and give me some ideas I beg of you

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