{Chapter 8}

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Monday. I had Ally again, and she was putting up quite the fuss in Transfigurations. Hermione was sitting beside me, free of child, because Blaise had Nicholas. I had been trying to get her to hold Ally for the past ten minutes, but she refused, saying that she was my responsibility.

I was actually looking forwards to Dinner tonight, because I wanted to see Draco...Don't ask me why. Okokok, I had just accepted the fact that I might have feelings for him. Not that I would tell anyone, even Mione for that matter. Anyways, I still wasn't completely sure that that was what was going on.

At dinner, I squeezed myself in between Draco and Crabbe at the Slytherin table. I didn't want to sit beside Crabbe, but Pansy was on the other side of Draco, and I definitely was not gonna sit with her.

So I was stuck with Crabbe.

I immediately handed Ally over to Draco, and he took her without complaint. He was totally in love with her, and even I could see that. But if you asked him about it, he would deny even knowing her name.

"You're my partner for tomorrow," was the first thing he said.

"Um, what's tomorrow?"

"Tuesday," Pansy smirked.

"That's not what I meant, Pug Face," I retaliated.

"Care of Magical Creatures," Draco said, totally ignoring Pansy. "The big oaf's making us split off into pairs and go looking for Unicorn dust or something."

"Oh, alright," I said. "But you're going to have to explain to Mione why I can't be her partner."

He shrugged. "It's because I don't wanna be with this one." He pointed towards Pansy.

"Aw, you know you love me, Drakie!" Pansy tried to squeeze him into a tight hug, but he shoved her off and made a disgusted look at me. I giggled.

Draco stood up and I followed him off into the hallways. "Is someone irritated, Drakie?" I mocked, pinching his cheek.

"Never do that again," he said.

We had just came up to the Dungeons, so he had to go. But instead of saying goodbye or something like that, he looked at me as if he was deciding something. "You wanna hang out in the Common Room? You know...with Ally..."

I was actually considering this. Also, I happened to have a minor crush on the Slytherin in question, so I had to give in. "Oh, alright."

Draco grinned. "Pure-Blood," He said, and I climbed in after him through the porthole. The Slytherin common room was just as I remembered it: green. That was pretty much the only word for it. Green and scary.

Draco and I sat on the sofa, and found Blaise playing with Nicholas on the rug on the ground. Draco let Ally down to play with him.

The two of us sat there awkwardly for a while, until Pansy walked in and shrieked, "Drakie!"

Draco groaned from beside me as Pansy approached...And before I knew it, he had me pressed against him and my lips were on his. I don't know how we got in that position, it just sort of happened. It was all a blur.

I pushed against him, wondering what the bloody heck he was doing. "Draco-"

"Just go with it," he mumbled.

And then his lips were back on mine. Fine then, he wanted to give Pansy a show, I'd give Pansy a show. I pushed his body down and scooted up, adjusting my position, and then slammed my lips onto his, running my fingers through his hair. My tongue danced along the rim of his lips, asking for an entrance, and he obliged, opening his mouth wide enough for me to explore all the foreign places of his mouth.

I heard a horrified gasp followed by a shriek come from my left, but I didn't dare stop. My fingers slowly made their way down to Draco's shirt, and I began unbuttoning it. That was when I heard a door slam, and I knew my job was done.

I sat up on him, and smirked, wiping my mouth.

Draco lay there, gaping at me. "You-you...What..."

I slid off of him. "I just did what you wanted me to do, right Drakie?" I made the most innocent face I could muster, picked up my baby, and waltzed right out of there.

I tried to act cool.

Even though my stomach was a storm of butterflies.
I decided not to tell Hermione about my latest make-out session with the Slytherin Prince. She already had suspicions about us, and that would only give her even more reason to believe them.

What I did do was immediately start on my homework for the night, which was quite unusual for me, because I usually left homework to the weekends. But this weekend all of the fifth, sixth, and seventh years were having a swimming out in the lake, so I didn't want to miss that.

It was getting pretty late, and Ally was sound asleep in her crib, which was out of the ordinary, but, hey, I would take it. Anything to quiet her up.

I wanted to go back to the Slytherin Common Room and finish what I had started with Draco, but I couldn't do that...Not to mention all of the talk that would already be going around tomorrow about us...

So I went to bed. My homework was half-finished, but it was Monday, so I had plenty of time.

But I just couldn't get that image of me and Draco out of my head...

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