{Chaper 9}

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There was plenty of talk going around about Draco and I because of our little scene last night. All day long, there was always whispers whenever me and him would be seen together. But, thankfully, it was mostly only Slytherins that were talking about it, so it hadn't reached Harry, Ron, and Hermione yet.

Anyways, like Draco had said, Hagrid was making us go off into the Forbidden Forest in search of Unicorn Dust. I was walking down the trail whenever I felt a hand grab mine.

I instantly shook him away. "Why do you have to do that all the time?"

"Why don't you like it?"

"Because it's not real."

"What do you mean?"

"You know what I mean." And then I sat down at the base of a tree trunk, not caring to get my robes dirty. Draco sat beside me.

"No, I really don't."

I sighed. "When you grab my hand, you don't mean it like you're supposed to. Therefore, there's no reason for you to grab it at all."

"What do you mean, 'mean it like I'm supposed to'? How am I supposed to mean it?"

"Forget it."

There was a short pause, then he asked, "Are we going to look for Unicorn Dust or just sit here?"

"I was planning on just sitting here."

"Alright then...where's your mudblood friend?"


"I know, I know...I apologize for calling her a mudblood. Happy?" He smiled warmly at me, raising an eyebrow.

"No, I'm not."

"And why not?"

"Because you continuously keep calling her that! Anyways, why does it matter where she is? She's most likely somewhere balling her eyes out because the professors told us not to bring our babies out here."


And that was all that was said for a while.
When it got time to head back into the castle, I found Hermione in all the crowd, but Draco pulled me back. "What is it?" I asked irritably.

"I just want to talk."

"Alright, go on then." I dramatically tapped my foot, just for effect.

"...About last night..."

"Yes, I know. You owe me an apology and a thank you."

He made a face at me. "No, I believe you're the one who owes me a thank you."

I stared at him, stunned. "Draco Malfoy, you little liar! I saved you from Pansy and went along with your stupid little plot!"

"No, I saved you from Pansy!"

"Draco-" But Hermione cut me off.

"Kenna, Malfoy. Just shut it. Let's just say that you both saved each other from Pansy. Deal?" She looked at us expectantly, even thought she had no idea what we were even talking about. Then I realized that everyone had overheard our little argument.

...We must've been even louder than I'd thought.

I huffed up the hill towards the castle, and when we came up to the doors, I walked inside, heading for the Gryffindor towers. But yet again, I was pulled back. By none other than Draco himself. I turned around, ready to smack him right in the face, because I was very ticked off at that moment. But he pressed his hand over my mouth. I licked it. He jumped back and made a face of pure disgust. I smiled in satisfaction.

"Never do that again," he said, then pulled me into an abandoned corridor.

"What is it?" I asked, trying not to sound as pissed as I was.

"Why did you do that?"

"Do what?"

"Help me out. Last night. With that little show of yours." Draco smirked.

"Oohhh...yeah, well, I figured that I'd just give you what you wanted." I smiled mischievously. "A show for Pansy."

His smile faded, but then was quickly renewed. "...Yeah, yeah...right, a show for Pansy..."

I nodded. "Well, I need to go...homework...I'll see you later? And, please take care of Ally. I don't like it whenever you just leave her places, like with Blaise or whatnot."

He leaned into my ear and paused, just before whispering, very faintly, "...Don't tell me what to do." Then he cracked a grin, and walked away.

I rolled my eyes, but then smiled to myself.

Sorry if this chapter was a little shorter than the other ones, I just didn't know what else to put!! And I'm still up for any ideas bc I'm still pretty much brain dead rn!🤣

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