{Chapter 3}

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I hadn't even made it to the Dining Hall in the morning before Malfoy found me in the hallway and shoved the baby into my hands. "Take her. Please." I stood there, gaping at him for a bit because it was the first time that I'd ever heard him say the word please.

But, I gladly took her. She put up a short struggle, reaching for Malfoy as he started walking towards the Slytherin table. I called after him, "We're sitting at my table today!"

And he called back, "Oh well! And her name is Ally!"

I stood there, angry that he had named the baby without me. But I walked over to my table nonetheless. I sat down, pulling Ally onto my lap, and bobbing her up and down with my knee, causing her to giggle.

Hermione was there with Blaise. She turned to look at me. "Guess what his name is?" She held up her baby.

"What?" I asked.

"Nicholas Blaise!"

I let out a loud snort. "You named him after Blaise?"

"Yes! What's her name?" She asked, motioning towards the squirming child on my lap.

"Well, I suppose that it's Ally. Malfoy named her without me."

"Oh, that's a cute name, speaking of Malfoy, where is he?"

"Right here," answered a cold voice behind me. He took a seat beside me. "McGonagall sent me over here."

Ally immediately reached for him, and I allowed her to crawl into his lap. She definitely liked him better than me. "Did you hear the announcement?" Malfoy asked as he hoisted Ally up against his chest. I realized that I was smiling at him, and then quickly fixed my face.

"W-What did you say?"

"The announcement. Did you hear about it? All classes have been cancelled for sixth-years. It's supposedly bonding time with their partners and babies." He made a look of complete disgust.

"Oh no," I said.

He nodded in agreement. "I don't know how much longer I can stand to be around you, you blood-traitor." I rolled my eyes.

"And, for once, I thought you were going to quit insulting me. I guess I was mistaken."

"Yes, you were. C'mon, let's go." He grabbed my shoulder and pulled me up.

"Where are we going?" I asked, pushing his hand off of me.

He shrugged. "Bonding time? My room?"

My eyes widened at that. "I refuse to go with you to your room!"

He rolled his eyes and then smirked. "No, not like that. I-I was only saying, bonding time..."

I nodded. "Oh, alright, just get on with it." I followed him down to the dungeons, and watched as he said the password, Pure-Blood, and then he led me through the common room and then up to the boys' dormitories. We walked into them, and found them to be empty. He walked over to what I was guessing was his bed, and sat, sitting Ally on it as well.

I only stood there awkwardly. I wasn't sure what to do.

Malfoy stood and walked over to me, but he tripped on something on the floor, causing him to fall against the wall that I happened to be standing against. He was leaning over me, his face only inches from mine.

He was so close that I could breath in his fresh scent of cologne and mint and hairspray. The mint smell was especially strong.

After what seemed like a lifetime, he finally pulled himself off of the wall. He went and sat back down on the bed. I slowly made my way over to him.

"Sit," was all he said.

I sat on the edge of his bed. Ally grabbed my knee, pulling herself up. She crawled over to Malfoy.

"She likes you," I said.

"I know. But I don't know why."

"Neither do I," I said, then laughed. Suddenly, I felt something slam against my face, and then realized that Malfoy had thrown a pillow at me.

I was shocked. But then, I grabbed the same pillow and sent it flying towards him. He sent three more in my direction. Before doing anything else, I picked up Ally and sat her in a the crib that had been placed in the room.

I picked up a pillow and threw it at him. Then, I threw myself onto the bed, and he tackled me. And, suddenly, we were in the same position we had been in earlier. Malfoy inched closer to me, and I wasn't sure if I wanted what I knew was coming or not.

He pressed his lips against mine, and I kissed him back. I kissed him back. I wrapped my hands around his neck, and he slipped a hand behind my back. What were we doing?

And I pushed away. He took the hint and got off of me. I stood silently and walked over to Ally, picking her up and walking towards the door. "I should go now," I said, never taking my eyes from the doorknob.
I sat nervously on my bed, just thinking. Was I a joke to him? Was I just another puppet for him to play with? And I had done exactly what he had wanted me to do: I gave in. I kissed him back. Oh, why did I have to do that?

I obviously meant nothing to him. I mean, he meant nothing to me as well. If so, then why had I kissed him back? I groaned and threw myself backwards on my bed.

Hermione looked up from her book. "What's bothering you, Kenna?"

"...Nothing," I said.

"You're lying. What happened?"

I sat up. "...Fine. But please don't tell anyone, Mione." She came and sat with me on my bed.


Hermione was gaping at me. "You-you what? You kissed Malfoy?"

I nodded gingerly. "...Yep. But it's alright, Mione, I just got caught up in the spur of the moment, that's all. And, it's not like he actually likes me, he's probably just using me-"

"He certainly is!"

I nodded in agreement. But part of me wished that Hermione had told me that he wasn't using me, that there was a possibility that he actually liked me...but that would be too good to be true.

And then I scolded myself for thinking that.

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