{Chapter 7}

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I found Harry, Ron, and Hermione in The Three Broomsticks, and took a seat with them. Mione gave me a knowing look and I just shook it off.

She couldn't know.


She definitely knew.

I ordered a Butterbeer and listened intently while Harry and Ron talked about Pansy and Millicent, and how awful this whole predicament was. I sipped my Butterbeer and played the silent card. I didn't want to be asked to talk about Dra-Malfoy...Malfoy, I mean.

Anyways, we went to Weasley's Wizard Wheezes next, and I found quite a lot of things that I wanted to buy. But, I limited my budget, so I only got a joker wand and an "Instant Malfoy-Blonde Hair Dye," as Fred had said. It was supposed to wash right out with soap and water, so I figured I should keep it handy in case Mione ever did anything against me.

I got plenty of sweets from HoneyDukes, my absolute favorite place in Hogsmeade. I was chowing down on those as we were loading the carriages on our way back to Hogwarts.

And, soon, we arrived back at the school, and the drab weekend continued.

A week passed. Nothing out of the ordinary happened; Malfoy was just as annoying as ever, and just as hot. Snape's hair was just as greasy. Ally still hated me. Neville still got sent to the infirmary at least three times that week, and Harry's scar hurt regularly.

See, the ordinary.

That Saturday happened to be the Quidditch tryouts, and Hermione was going down there to watch Ron and Harry. So, I decided to join her. Perhaps being in the fresh air would quiet Ally up a bit.

We sat in the Gryffindor stands. I was trying my best to finish up the last bit of homework that I had for Flitwick, but it was hopeless. Mione was cheering too loudly for me to even think, and Ally was whining too loudly.

I gave up on my homework and decided to watch the boys. But I ended up watching someone else...someone on the other side of the Pitch...and he just so happened to be a Slytherin...

I couldn't help but keep my eyes locked onto his body. His incredibly well-built body. I was focused on him in all his shirtless glory, and I wouldn't be surprised if I had been drooling a bit at the mouth.

And, that's how come I didn't notice whenever Mione stood up, and cheered for Ron. However, I did start paying attention to her whenever I was yanked and pulled down the stands, towards the Pitch.

I had Ally in one arm, my pack slung over the other, and Mione was hopelessly trying to pull me along the grass, towards a tent. When we entered it, she flew towards Ron and hugged him around the neck, exclaiming, "Oh, Ronald, I knew you would make it!"

It was then that I noticed she had been cheering because they had announced he and Harry had made it. Gosh, I must've been really zoned out on Malfoy.

Ally began chewing at my ear and whining, and I knew who she wanted, but I couldn't bring her to him. Not just yet. So I congratulated Harry and Ron and then left the little tent, and headed towards the Dining Hall. Maybe some food would satisfy her.

But on my way across the Pitch, Malfoy caught up with me, still shirtless, might I tell you, and asked, "Like what you see?" With a smirk.

I did like what I saw. I liked it a lot. But I couldn't let him know that.

I wrinkled my nose. "I would like you a bit better with your shirt on, thank you." Just then, Ally let out a wail, and I sighed. This child. I wish she didn't hate me so much.

Draco reached out to take her, and I wanted him to, but he was sweaty and stinky, and I had just bathed Ally, so I wasn't letting her near him.

"Aw, why not?" He asked once I pulled Ally away from him.

"She's just had her bath, so you won't be able to hold her until after you've had yours."

Draco rolled his eyes. "Seriously?"

"Yes, seriously!"

He sped up his walking to catch up with me. He pulled his shirt on over his head and walked inside the Dining Hall with me. "Draco, honestly-"

"Did you call me Draco?" He asked, leaning on his broom.

"...No...I clearly said Malfoy."

I had clearly said Draco.

"No, I think you called me Draco." He smirked.

"So what if I did?" I had just sat at the Gryffindor table, and was trying awfully hard to feed Ally, with no luck.

Draco took a seat beside me. A few nearby Gryffindors recoiled and scooted away, but I didn't mind. A few minutes later, he had begun staring at me, so I asked him what it was.

"You're so odd," he said.

"Thanks." I rolled my eyes.

"You're pure-blood, yet you're best friends with a mudblood-"

"Don't call her that, Malfoy," I growled.

"Oh, so I'm Malfoy now, am I?" He seemed to find joy in aggravating me.

I ignored him.

A few more minutes passed, and Ally still wouldn't eat. "Don't force feed her," Draco said, taking Ally from me. I didn't want him to, but she immediately looked happier when she was with him. I sighed and leaned my head against my fist.

"She hates me."

Draco shook his head and smiled gently. "She doesn't hate you."

I nodded and replied bluntly, "Yes, she does. She hates me and she loves you."

"Just that Malfoy charm, I suppose."

"Yes, and sadly, I'm not a Malfoy," I said sarcastically.

"You could be," he smirked.

I stood to leave. "In your dreams."

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