{Chapter 26}

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I woke up in the hospital wing. I had just remembered what had happened, so I sat up, looking around frantically. There was at least a dozen more students in the beds around me.

I fumbled out of bed. My side no longer hurt, so I assumed Madame Pomfrey had fixed me up. I walked down the aisles, looking at each student. I only recognized a few of them.

Then I remembered: Draco. Where was he? Hadn't he come back? Why wasn't he here with me?

I made my way out of the infirmary and into the hallways; there were students walking about as always. They acted like nothing had happened. I finally made it to the Fat Lady, and after I told her the password, she let me in.

Upon entering, I found Hermione sitting at the chair by the fire, intently reading. I ran towards her. "Mione!"

She looked up at me and exclaimed, "Kenna! My goodness, I was beginning to be worried about you, you were out for a while-"

"Where's Draco?"

Her eyebrows furrowed. "What do you mean?"

"Draco. He stayed behind, at Hogsmeade. Where is he?"

"I-I'm not sure, Kenna. I'm sorry. I haven't seen him."

"It's alright, I'll check the Slytherin Common Room," I said, already walking out.

"Well, wait! Harry's been terribly worried about you! He would like to see you! Let me go fetch him quickly," she said, running over to the boys' dormitories.

But I was already halfway out of the porthole. Harry could wait. I needed to see Draco. I desperately hoped he had made it back...and that he was alright.

I walked down the dark steps into the dungeons, and knocked on the Common Room door, whispering, "Pure-Blood."

It opened, and I walked in, and was immediately greeted by Blaise Zabini. "Hello, Blaise, have you seen Draco?" I asked him.

"No, afraid not, mate. Haven't seen him since Hogsmeade."

My breath hitched up in my throat. "Did he-did he make it back?"

"I suppose. Just haven't seen him."

I nodded, then walked back out, stumbling down the dungeon corridors hopelessly. If Draco had made it back, he certainly would've checked in with me, wouldn't he? Unless he couldn't...Unless he didn't have the time...

A newfound feeling of hope filled my body, and I began running, up out of the dungeons, a left past the Gryffindor Commons, up another flight of stairs. I passed Filch, but didn't stop long enough for him to give me any trouble.

Then I came up to a large painting of a bowl of fruit. I tickled the pear. If Draco's in there, I thought, while pacing, take me to where he would be.

But there was no door.

I repeated my actions.

No door.

Once again.

No door.

That was it. It was hopeless. So I trudged back down, planning on snuggling up in the warm Gryffindor Common Room, whenever I heard a commotion going on to the right of me. Well, naturally, I started in that direction.

And suddenly, I came up to an all too familiar scene. It was as if I was going through Déjà vu. Snape had a bright blonde boy on his right shoulder, helping him to walk forwards. And then a shocked and confused Harry stood feet behind them, his wand hanging limply from his white hand.

I shot towards them. "Draco! Are you alright? What's happened?"

He managed to lift his head up. "Yes, I'm alright...Snape-Professor Snape fixed me up."

His white shirt was drenched in blood stains, but he himself seemed to be just fine. I turned on Harry. "What is it, Harry? What is it with Draco? I know you two don't get along all the time, but that doesn't mean you have to try to murder him every chance you get!"

He stared at me, not even trying to deny it. Finally, he muttered, "I'm sorry, Kenna."

I sighed. "Why?"

"I-I didn't mean...I didn't know...I just tried a new spell. I had no idea of the consequences..."

"Tell me what happened," I said, surprised at how calm my voice sounded.

"I walked in on him...he was crying, Kenna...nothing like I've ever seen from Draco Malfoy."

"He's only a human, Harry. People cry."

"I know...it was just strange, that's all....Muttering something about the Dark Lord and how he was going to kill him...He saw me in the mirror reflection, and turned on me. I panicked...and that's when I shot the spell at him."

"What did it do?"

"I was horrified...He fell over, blood spots forming all over his body. I watched as his flesh tore and turned bloody...I thought I'd killed him."

Tears were forming in my eyes. "What did he do to you? Nothing! Nothing to deserve that!" I shook my head, then turned to try to catch up with Draco and Snape.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 02, 2021 ⏰

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