{Chapter 12}

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I woke up and realized that it was dark. I was outside. And my head was on Draco's shoulder. Then I remembered what had happened earlier for me to be in that position. I leaned up, then pulled my wand out. "Lumos," I whispered. The very end of my wand illuminated into a tiny, bright light.

I looked at Draco. Him and Ally were both sleeping soundly. But I figured I should wake him up anyway; he wouldn't like it if I just left him. I started to shove him gently. Nothing. So I shoved him harder, and he stirred awake.

"Wh-What...Kenna, you're in my-oh, I'm outside...oh right..."

I giggled. "Get up sleepyhead, Mione is probably worried sick wondering where I've been."

He grumbled then finally stood, holding Ally in his arms. "My left arm is completely asleep," he complained. "And my right shoulder hurts because of your hard head," he added with a smirk.

"Ha ha, very funny," I replied sarcastically. We ducked underneath the branches of the huge tree, and came out to the familiar opening. The pond was just a few feet away; I could've reached out and touched it.

We started towards the castle, and Draco asked, "Were you comfy on my shoulder?" He smirked. I rolled my eyes.

"Draco, I was sleepy, okay? So I just...oh come off it!" He had been grinning and nodding at me.

We finally made our way into the castle, and then we split up, him and Ally heading towards the Dungeons and me towards the Gryffindor Towers. I quietly whispered the password, then eased into the common room, up the stairs, then into the girls' dormitories.

Just as I was about to slip into bed, I heard Hermione's voice from beside me. "Kenna!" She exclaimed. "Where have you been? I wanted to go looking for you, but Ginny and Lavender said you'd be back, and I just-"

"Mione," I interrupted, giggling. "I was with Draco."

Her eyes grew larger. "What were you doing with Draco? At one in the morning?"

"Nononono Hermione! We weren't doing anything like that! It started raining, so we sat under a tree, and, well, we fell asleep."

She looked me over skeptically, but then finally made a face as if to say Alright, I give up. I slipped into bed and I couldn't sleep a wink. All I could think of was the feeling of my head on Draco's shoulder.
The next day was Saturday, and we were supposed to be having a swimming out in the lake. But, since it had rained again that morning, we were all just going to forget about the whole thing.

Well, I wasn't. Because I had already finished all of my homework for the week, I didn't want all of my hard work to go to waste for nothing. So I asked Hermione to go swimming with me, since the sky had cleared up. She said no because she had a "paper due Monday."

So there I was again, alone out by the pond. I had on a rather cute two piece bathing suit. It was hot outside, but the weather was humid; the air was somewhat sticky.

I dipped my legs into the water, and sat on the bank. I looked out into the Quidditch Pitch. It looked like a few Slytherins were having a practice game. I lied down on the ground, my legs still in the water. I closed my eyes.

No more than five minutes later, a drop of water landed on my nose. Oh no, not rain again. Then, another drop landed on my forehead. I tried to ignore it. It would probably clear up soon. But then a last drop landed on my left ear. I opened my eyes, and immediately shouted out in fright.

Draco Malfoy had been standing directly over me. And water was dripping off of his head and onto mine.

I sprang up, stumbling over, and I would've fell clean off into the water if it hadn't been for a strong hand that grabbed mine to steady me. Once I had gotten level with the ground, I smacked him good on the bare arm.

"Ouch! What was that for? I just saved your life!"

"That was for scaring the heck out of me! And you didn't save my life! I can swim y'know!" Then I resumed my position, sitting on the bank of the pond with my legs in the water. Draco sat beside me.

"Merlin's beard," I said, out of breath. "Do you follow me?" I asked, because it seemed like he was always where I happened to be, when I was alone.

"No, Starr, if I were to follow someone, it certainly wouldn't be you-"

"Where's Ally?" I asked. I had just realized that she wasn't with him. Again.

"She's with Blaise."

"Draco, Ally is our responsibility! She's not Blaise and Hermione's, she's ours! You really need to quit dropping her off with him, we're going to get an awful grade in Muggle Studies, and plus, Blaise is most likely-"

But I was cut off as I was pushed into the water in front of me. Thankfully, I had just enough time to hold my breath. Oh, I was going to kill Draco.

I came to the surface, treading water. I looked around for his bright head, but it was nowhere in sight. I felt something brush against my leg, and I recoiled in shock. I moved to a different part of the pond, but soon felt something brush against my leg again.

Then, I was pulled underwater, only to be instantly brought up again. Only when I was brought up, I was in Draco's arms. He was holding me tight, and our lips were only inches apart. My eyes couldn't help but wander down to his beautifully sculpted stomach. His abs were incredible, really.

He must've noticed, because he smirked, but he never said anything.

Draco moved a hand to my neck, then leaned into my ear and whispered, "...That was the longest I've ever held my breath."

I burst into laughter, and suddenly he had crashed his lips onto mine. This time, I didn't care. I didn't care what other people thought. I didn't care what they might say. The only thing that mattered at that moment was Draco and I.

It was wrong.

It was so wrong.

But it felt so right.

Hey you three people that read this story! Thanks so much for reading btw! Follow, vote, comment! Thx!

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