{Chapter 22}

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Draco and I were walking back down the hallway. I was still in a frantic state. "I'm so glad you rounded that corner when you did," I said.

"...Yeah," He said. "I was just coming back from the Roo-" But he stopped mid sentence.

"The what?" I asked.

"Um...the...the Room of Requirement...C'mon," then he grabbed my arm and hurried me away into the closest corridor, and lowered his voice.

"There is a cabinet in the Room of Requirement. It's called a Vanishing Cabinet. My assignment is to mend it so that the Death Eaters can come through it into Hogwarts. If I fail, he'll kill me...And I've made absolutely no progress so far..."

So that was the cabinet, I thought. "...Oh." There was no more for me to say. I couldn't tell him that it would all be alright, because I didn't know. But I couldn't tell him to just forget about the assignment.

"Yeah," He said, then walked away. I thought about following him, but I didn't.

What an amazing girlfriend I was.

Instead, I walked back into the Hospital Wing to check on Harry. He was still unconscious. I pulled a chair up by his bed and just sat there.

I thought about Draco and how terrible of a predicament he was in. I felt so awful for him.
I couldn't let him fail. But...I couldn't help him...could I? I didn't even want to think about it.

I thought about Hermione and Ron and about how they probably should've been there by that time. Maybe they hadn't heard yet.

After a few minutes, Harry began to stir. I looked around the room for Madame Pomfrey, but she wasn't in there. Where was she? So I just turned my attention back to Harry. He sat up and then rubbed his eyes. He stared at me for a moment, probably trying to decided who I was. Then a smile came to his face.



"May I have my glasses please?"

"What? Oh, yeah..." I rolled my eyes at him but smiled anyways. I reached over to the small table sitting beside the bed and gave him the glasses.

He leaned his head back against the pillow. "It was some of the worst pain I've ever felt in my life."

"I know. I could tell. It was Vol- I mean, him, wasn't it?"

Harry nodded, then yawned. "I'm about to go to sleep."

"Are you serious? You just woke up and now you're sleepy again?"

"I didn't wake up, I was unconscious, dumb-butt."

"Quit calling me that," I said.

"Where's Ron?"

"I dunno. Quit trying to change the subject."

"I'm not trying to change the subject...Lay with me."

I'm sure that my eyes grew big at that. "Wh-What?"

"Oh, you know what I mean! Lay at the foot of the bed or something. I don't want to be alone."

"...Oh...What about Ginny?" I smirked.

"McKenna Starr, I only like you as a friend. And you like me as a friend. What about Malfoy?" He returned my smirk.

"Fair enough." I crawled into the bed with him, but I didn't lay at the foot. I lied at the head, with Harry. I didn't think anything of this. Actually, Harry and I had lied in bed together plenty of times before, as friends.

But what about Draco? What would be his reaction if he could see us? We were together now, so he had every reason to get angry. But half of me didn't care. Half of me just wanted to be innocent and get to lie in bed with one of my best friends without being questioned...even if that friend did happen to be a boy.

I felt myself drifting off to sleep, with Harry's arms wrapped firmly around my waist...

I woke up to shouting. There was hardly any light in the room, so I was guessing that it was well into the night. I sat up in bed to see what I could only make out as a bushy-haired girl and a tall, orange-haired boy.

"What are you doing, Ronald?" Hermione shouted.

"Shh! Blimey, Hermione, you're going to wake them up!"

"Hermione? Ron?" I asked, rubbing my eyes.

"Now! See what you've done!" Ron shouted.

"That was all your fault!" She retorted.

"Guys! Calm down," I said. Then, Harry sat up from beside me.

Ron raised an eyebrow. "Er, Harry? I don't really know what's going on here, but...Ginny is my sister and-"

"Ron," I interrupted. "There's nothing between Harry and I. We were just having a friendly little nap." I hopped out of the bed.

Hermione added, "Yes, Ronald, that is all. See, I told you!"

"Can you two please quit bickering for five minutes?" Harry asked.

"I'm going back to the dorm," I said. "And I suggest that you two do as well."

"Oh no, you aren't trying to turn into Hermione, are you?" Ron asked, but I could hear the sound of Mione hitting him from behind me.

I walked all the way to the Fat Lady, listening to them arguing the whole entire time.

I don't think that I ended this one good, but oh well. Comment, vote, follow! I really hope to get this fic done soon so that I can focus on my other ones that are in progress! If you want to, check them out!!! :)

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