{Chapter 5}

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A/N::Feel free to comment or anything like that. ((It makes me feel good when I get comments, and it motivates me to keep writing)) <just putting that out there😂

I woke up in time for breakfast, thankfully, and treated myself to freshly scrambled eggs in the Dining Hall. Malfoy was nowhere to be seen, but it wasn't like I cared...

Anyways, it was Friday and I was overjoyed that tomorrow was going to be the first Hogsmeade trip this year. Harry, Ron, Hermione and I had already planned to spend every minute of it together, so I only hoped that Malfoy wouldn't ruin it.

But, let's be real.

He probably would.

We went through our classes without speaking a word of what happened the night before. It still freaked me out entirely to think of Malfoy calling me Kenna. It wasn't like I was prancing around calling him Draco.

Potions. Same as usual. Muggle studies. Same as usual. Lunch. Same. History of Magic. Same. Herbology. Same. Defense against the dark arts. Exactly the same.

I sighed as I made my way to the Gryffindor common room. Alone. Hermione was most likely in the library with Ron. She seemed to be spending quite a lot of time with him...

And Harry was probably with Ginny practicing on the Quidditch Pitch for the upcoming tryouts.


Everyone had someone.

Except me.

I was sulking along the corridor, until I felt someone walking along beside me, and looked up to see the famous Malfoy smirk. I immediately felt even sorrier for myself.

"I am not in the mood, Malfoy."

He shrugged. "Good thing I didn't ask you."

I stopped walking and stared at him, because I had just noticed something. Ally. She wasn't with him. "Where's our baby?!?" I asked him frantically.

"Relax. She's with Blaise and Nicholas back in the common room."

I breathed a sigh of relief. But his smirk grew even wider. He put an arm around my shoulder and we began walking. "Oh, so she's our baby now, is she?"

I swatted him off of me. "She was always our baby."

"No, you always referred to her as either your baby or mine, but you never said she was ours."

I rolled my eyes. "Whatever, Malfoy." We had just arrived outside of the Gryffindor House. "Well, I'll see you around later...I suppose."

I started to say the password, but Malfoy interrupted and asked, "Are you sure?"

I turned to face him. "Am I sure what?"

"Are you sure that you don't want to talk about what happened the other night?" Once again, butterflies erupted inside my stomach, though I didn't quite know why. I couldn't speak. Just thinking about it made me jittery inside.

"...No," I finally managed. He nodded solemnly.

"Alright...see you...Kenna..." He smirked at me over his shoulder, then headed off towards the dungeons.

And I smiled after him.
I decided to get started on the seven-page essay that I had to write for Snape on the killing curse. Huh. What all was there to say about the killing curse anyways? Avada Kedavra. It killed people. That was it.

I was just about to pick up my quill when an owl came shooting through my window. It frightened me so bad that I fell out of my chair and ducked for cover on the floor.

But the owl had landed gracefully on my nightstand, and it had a green envelope clenched tightly in its beak.

I took the letter from the large, gray owl and sat down on my bed. My name was written in small, neat cursive on the front. McKenna Starr. I ripped the pretty covering off to reveal a small piece of parchment about the size of my hand. It read:

Meet me in Hogsmeade tomorrow at the Shrieking Shack right once you get there. I want to show you something.

DM. DM. Draco Malfoy. Hmm. What would he want to show me?

I sat there thinking about it for some time, and finally came to a conclusion. It was a trap of some sorts. Yes, that had to be it. That was the only reasonable explanation. I wouldn't meet him tomorrow, I would just go straight to The Three Broomsticks, and stay far away from the Shrieking Shack.

...But what if it wasn't a trap? What if he really did want to show me something?

I looked up to find that the owl had gone. I stood and immediately the door swung open, and in came Mione, a book opened in her hands. She didn't even look up. She just walked over to her bed and sat, then continued reading the book.

I quickly tucked the parchment into my boot. I couldn't have Hermione knowing about this, because what if I did meet him? I couldn't have her knowing.

I silently slipped into bed, deciding to leave the essay for the rest of the weekend. Perhaps Sunday? Yes, I would do it Sunday.

I said, "Goodnight, Mione," then turned my light off.

"Goodnight," She said.

I fell asleep without dinner.

I fell asleep thinking about Draco Malfoy.

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