Chapter 2

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After breakfast you went back to your room and found a letter at your door step for you. You pick it up and head in closing the door behind you. You sit at your desk and open the letter


"Dear Y/N, My name is Seth. You may not remember me, I am you older brother. I have been captured by the galra. I was able to get this to you from a friend at the Garrison. If you have received this please, find me. The galra are going to destroy earth at any moment. You need to save it. ~Seth xoxo"

Your eyes start to water. After 5 months of him being missing you finally know what happened. That means the others on that ship are still out there. You realize what might happen to your home planet if the galra come. You then pull out your computer and start contacting some friends from out of town.

Later that night

You close your computer. Exhausted from all the searching you have been doing for the past 5 hours. You check the clock, 1:00 am, you get into your pj's and get into bed. You think about old times before Seth left. As you remember them you slowly fall asleep.

Flash back

"Big bro wait up!!" You call out to your older brother, Seth, as he runs away down the hill to your favorite spot.

"Gotta catch up slowpoke" As he says that he sticks out his tongue. You get furious and start to run faster. As you run faster you start to feel weird. You slow down once you realize you just zoomed past Seth. You breathe heavily, trying to recall what in the gods just happened. You brother runs up to you and just stands there, star struck. He immediately gets out of his trance and hugs you tightly.

"Oh my gods, sis are you okay!?" He exclaims as he checks for bruises and other marks.

"I think so?" You say weirdly and confused.

"You just ran past me like a lightning bolt!! It was incredible!!" He shouts excitedly. He was so amazed that he forgot you were confused on what just happened.

"Umm, big bro? Am I ok?" You asked confused.

"Incredible... Not even a scratch on you! How did you do it??" He asks, you have never seen him this excited. Seth was always one who was quiet and kept to himself. Mostly studying and researching random stuff. You smile in awe as he picks you up on his back and starts walking back home. You giggle as he turns around his head as he is smiling.

"I honestly don't know bro, it just happened." And from that moment on. You had learned how to harness this speed plus other abilities. But the thing was, you had these "surges" At night. They were awful. You didn't know why they happened, they just did.

End flash back

You wake up in the middle of the night crying. You remember that you had a dream and that's why you were crying. You walk out from your room to get a drink in the cafeteria. Once you arrive at the cafeteria you see someone sitting at one of the tables just sitting there reading. You just ignore it while you grab a water. You start to feel uneasy. Maybe I'm just sick? You ask yourself. You grab your water and start to exit the cafeteria and back to your room. Before you could exit the room you hear a loud ringing in your ear and fall to the ground clutching your ears. Once it fades away you get up and turn around to see the other person getting up off the floor to. You just try to ignore it and walk back your room. Once back at your room, you open your laptop and research about what happened. Nothing.

{DISCONTINUED} Unpredictable (Keith X Reader) Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt