Chapter 5

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I then pull him into a hug. He looks at me confused for a moment then hugs me back.


We seperate then head to the control room to meet the others.

"Grrr...." I hear Lance grumble to himself. I question it then realize that me and Keith were holding hands. I blush slightly. I look at Lance and give him a bright smile. He blushes and smiles back.

"Hehe.." I giggle to myself and Keith notices.

"What was that for?" He questions me.

"Oh-Nothing~~~" I say acting like I was innocent and cute. He blushes slightly and looks toward Shiro and Allura. I do the same.

"Ok now, to be able to form voltron we need to practice training with your lions and each other. So we are going to start with your lions. Everyone to your lions!!" Allura commands us. We immediately do what she says.

A few minutes later everyone was lined up.

"Ok paladin's, in order to form voltron you need to grow a bond with your lion. Start flying towards the sky and almost at the exit of the atmosphere. Once there I will let you know what to do." Coran says. We nod and go to the edge of the atmosphere.

"Ok now what??" Hunk questions.

"Well now. Close your eyes. Connect to your lion. And fall."

"WAIT WHAT!?" Lance yells at Coran.

"LANCE! DO WHAT HE SAYS!" Shiro yells. I jump. I turn my camera off. That way no one can see me. Shiro yelling reminds me of my past. I start to cry.

"Y/N you ok? Why is your camera off??" I hear Pidge question.

"I-im fine. Let's just get this over with.." I say trying to act calm.

"Right." Shiro says. "Let's do this, Coran please repeat what we must do." Shiro says to Coran.

"Right, you need to close your eyes. Connect to your lion's and fall." Coran says calmly. He must know what he's doing huh? I ask myself as I close my eyes. I try and connect to the lion. Then I let it fall. The others must not have closed their eyes cause they are screaming at me. I ignore them and try to connect to Dark(that's Y/N lion's name, I know it sucks...). Out of no where I feel as I'm flying. Except I'm not touching the controls. I open my eyes and see that I am flying straight. Not falling. Just going in front and not crashing.

"WOOHOOO!!!" I scream as I take control and do all sorts of tricks. I look at the cameras and see everyone's jaws dropped. Except Keith was smiling. I could tell he knew I knew he was smiling. That's because he started to blush. Waiiiiit... I say to myself. O then realize Dark Red turned on my camera. I curse in my head while blushing. The others then try to do as coran said. Lance and Keith bother failed sadly. The others were able to do it. I land my lion and run towards Keith. I had just realized he had crashed.

"KEITH!!!" I scream as I enter red. I was terrified if anything bad happened to Keith. I found him on the floor. I put his head in my lap and cradle him. I start to cry. I couldn't help but feel lonely without him. For a few minutes he just layed in my lap as I sobbed. Then he woke up.

"Y-Y/N??" He says in pain.

"KEITH!" I say with tears still running down my face. Except now they were happy tears. I helped him sit up and I hug him tightly.

"Ok, ow-ow!" Keith says as he tries to get up.

"Keith, let me help you.." I say as I help him up. We then walk out and head toward the control room. Once we walk in Allura gasps.

"Where is the healing station?." I say angerly. I was upset and mad that Keith got hurt. Why wasn't it me?? I ask myself. Allura looks at me confused and scared.

"F-follow me!!" She stutters. I knew I needed to say sorry. But not now. Not until I know Keith is safe and getting better. I follow allura to this pod like thing. I place him in and the door closes. I then face allura who was looking down at her feet with sadness.

"I'm sorry.. I shouldn't have put my anger on you.." I say to allura with guilt. She looks at me and runs towards me. She then hugs me. I hug her back. After a few moments we seperate.

"Follow me!" I say to Allura. She does so. I lead her to my lion and let her in. I motion for her to sit in the seat. She does so.

"Now focus and let Dark  let you drive ok?" I ask her. She nods. I close my eyes to let Dark Red know that I would like him to let the princess drive him for a bit. I hear a growl then the controls activate. I smile and thank Dark Red.

"Ready??" I ask her. Bracing my self for what might happen.

"YES!" She screams as she hits the controls. I hold on tight as she does these tricks and flips. I'm amazed. A few hours later me and Allura are talking while sitting on top of Dark. She was telling me about her father. He seems like a great father.

"While Zarkon was attacking my father had injected a sleeping medicine then put me in the Cryo-Sleep pod. Ive been there for 10,000 years now. *sigh* I miss father..." She explains to me with a sad tone. I give her a big hug. She returns it. After a few minutes of hugging we decided to head back to the castle.

Once we got back to the castle Allura heads to the control room while I go to the training deck. I look around and see no one. I head to the weapon area and grab (WEAPON). I walk out and try to figure out how to activate this thing. Maybe I have to say something?  I ask myself. Let's try this...

"Activate training level 1" I say calmly. Then out of nowhere a robot appears. I start to smirk.

"Bring it on you piece of metal!!" I scream as it runs toward me. I instantly since it in half.

"That was way to easy, Activate training level 5!" I say loudly. Then 2 robots appear. I easily take them out.

A few hours later

1 of the 10 robots lunge at me. I slice it in half. I had switched out my (WEAPON) with a large sword. {If you already had a sword ignore the switch off} Then 2 more robots come running towards me. I slice in in half while the other punches me in my gut. I get up quickly and slice its head off. 3 down, 7 to go I say to myself. As soon as I did 3 more lunged towards me. I'm able to knock 2 out while the other pins me. I quickly stab it in the chest and push it off me. Then the last 4 all come at me from all sides. I'm able to knock 1 out while being beaten by the other 3. I then slice 2 in half. The last robot lunges toward me and cuts me leg. I try to dodge it's next attack but am cut on my arm. I turn around and can't see the robot. Then I look down to see it has stabbed me in my gut.

"END TRAINING SESSION!!" I hear someone yell as they run towards me. I then pass out.

Keith's P.O.V.

"END TRAINING SESSION!!" I yell as I run towards Y/N. She then passes out. I pick her up and run towards the control room. Once I enter everyone turns and looks at us.

"HELP HER!!" I yell furious. They all jump.

"Follow me!" Coran signals. I do so. He opens a healing pod and I place her in. The door to the pod closes and I'm left staring at her calm and relaxed looking self. I turn around to see everyone upset. I run off to my room. I slam the door and sit on my bed. Then there is a knock on my door.

"Who is it!?" I say angerly.

"It's Shiro, Keith, I think we need to talk..." Shiro says calmly. I get up and let home in.

"It's about Y/N isn't it?" He asks me.


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{DISCONTINUED} Unpredictable (Keith X Reader) Where stories live. Discover now