Chapter 20

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Wow, 20 chapters! HOLY GUACAMOLE!!! Thank you guys for reading my shitty book and actual enjoying it. It means a lot. I know my writing isn't pro, but it is better than the first chapters of this book. I hope you continue to enjoy my book and will encourage others to follow dreams like you will too. Enjoy~

07/01/2019- Btw thank you for over 700 reads now and I'm sorry I didn't update sooner, I've had a rough few weeks. I hope you enjoy~!!





I hear Lance say as I walk in to the Kitchen.

"Hey Lance, what are you doing??" I ask as I sit next to him.

"Oh you know, freaking out on how to ask Allura to be my wife. That's all."

"Awwww Lancee~ your growing uppp~~!! Well, I can't help you with that. Try Keith or Shiro." I suggest to Lance.

"Ok, Thanks Y/N!" He says excitedly as he runs off. I chuckle at this. I get up and head to my room and change into my paladin armor and decide to go train, than go patrol. I head to the training deck and practice some close combat than head to my lion. I leave the castle and go about. I than see a galra ship on a nearby planet.

"What the-...." As I lean in to get a look, they fire towards me. I easily avoid the shots and turn on my coms.

"Guys!!!! I need back-up!!" I say freaking out.

Allura's P.O.V.

"Guys!!!! I need back-up!!" We hear Y/N say in a freaked out tone as her video com comes on.

"Y/N, what's happening???" I ask.

"I went on patrol and a nearby planet was about to be attacked. But now I'm being attacked!! Send help please!!!" She yells as her coms cut off.

"Y/N!!!" We yell.

"Ok, paladins! Get to your lions and go help Y/N!!" I yell as me and Coran take our spots and the others run to their lions.

Your P.O.V.

As I tell them what's going on, I get shot and flown backwards. The shot than knocks me out as I am spinning in space.

Nobody's P.O.V.

As you lay unconscious in your lion the galra start to take you with their tractor beam. Soon enough the other paladins come and rush out to help you. The Blue, Yellow, Green, and Black paladins go and defeat the galra as the Red paladin comes and saves you. As the Red paladin takes you to the castle, Allura uses the force of the castle and pulls you into the castle with their tractor beam. As this happens the other 4 paladins are able defeat the galra ship and they all head back to the castle.

The Next Day

Your P.O.V.

As I wake up, I hear the swish of a door opening. As I carefully step, I than grab the wall before I am able fall. I start to gain my balance and continue to limp to the cortex. As I enter the cortex, I find Allura and Lance chatting. I softly smile than head somewhere else. As I slowly limp down the hall, I hear a few familiar voices coming from my right. I look over and see Shiro, Keith, and Coran talking about something. I walk in, still limping, and lean against the wall. As I look up, I suppose they didn't notice me yet because I see them still chatting.

"Hey!..." I say a little grogily, I just woke up from I suppose being in a pod for who knows how long? I hear a set of footseps walk over to me. As I look over I see Shiro and Coran leaving the room. I then feel a reasurring grip around my waist, and I am pulled towards Keith. I softly smile at him, than he leans in and we kiss. We pull away after a few minutes to catch our breath and we hug gently, but firmly. Keith than helps me to my room that way I could change. As we enter my room, Keith sits on my bed as I get dressed.

"Hey Keith..." I say, hoping to catch his attention.

"Hm?" He says as he is laying on my bed with his eyes shut, relaxing.

"Do you think she'll say yes?" I ask.

"Who will say yes?" He asks me, confused, while sitting up.

"Allura I mean, as I was on my way here I stopped by the cortex and saw her and Lance talking. I think he's proposing. Do you think she'll say yes to him?" I ask again as I start to brush my hair.

"Hopefully, I mean, Lance did come talk with me and Shiro about it. We gave him our best advice but we weren't sure" He says as he sighs. I look over and smile at him. As I finish up, I feel Keith's arms wrap round my waist and he places his head on my shoulder, and he starts to kiss my neck which makes me giggle.

"Keiiiiith!! Stoppp!! That tickles!" I say as I start to laugh. He continues, making himself laugh a little to. He soon enough stops and we head to the kitchen to get some food.

As we enter the kitchen, we hear a scream. We slowly approach were it was coming from, and see that Pidge was covered in powder and we see Hunk laughing.

"Hunk!! This isn't funny!!!! Now i have to go shower again!! Ugh!" She says as she stomps on the floor. We just stare for a minute than break out in laughter.

"You to?!" She exclaims, pissed off. She than just storms off and soon enough we all calm down. Hunk than makes us a few sandwhiches and we all eat and chat for a bit.

At Dinner

As everyone sits down, we all start to talk.

"Quiet down everyone, please!" Allura speaks in a loud voice while she claps, making sure we all have our attention on her.

"Me and Lance have some news to share with you all..." She than looks at Lance and nods.

"Well, me and Allura are finally engaged!" He exclaims. Me and Pidge jump up and down, sqealing our little heads off as everyone else says congradulations.


Alrighty everyone!! I hope you enjoyed this chapter! See you on Monday with chapter 21!!!

{DISCONTINUED} Unpredictable (Keith X Reader) Where stories live. Discover now