Update! // News

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Hello lovely reader! It is I, writer-chan! How are you doing? I hope good, especially during this quarantine and whole shpill of stuff. I know I am bored a lot of the time. 

Anywayssssssss! I wanted to give you guys a FULL update of my 2020 so far and what's going to happen with this book.

So, PT.1 // Full update of my 2020 so far...

So far this year has already been a rollercoaster of shit.

In early January, I broke up with my ex and we stopped talking. They had been making a whole lot of drama about me after the break-up. At that time, I was dealing with a whole lot more shit. From helping my friends, dealing with my ex, trying to keep good grades, to the shitty life at home. Well, it's not that shitty here at home, it's more like the person I have to deal with here. All of this had brought me into my deepest state of depression, and I started to cut. I started cutting in the first week of February, and I had gone 2 weeks without anyone noticing until... I forgot to put a jacket on-I was wearing a T-Shirt-and my brother (the most awful person in the world) started to scold me and yell in my face saying "If you cut again I'll make your life a living hell" and after that, I called my best friend and asked if I could go over. Luckily, she said yes and I threw my shoes on so fast and was out of the house not even 5 minutes after the fight. I didn't tell my brother because he caused this pain. Later that night I went home and I knew he had told my mom, so I had talked to her and my aunt about it. The next day at school I had gone and talked to the counselor and social worker at my school. I was supposed to go start counseling or something but since we've been put under lockdown due to COVID-19, I haven't. My family is also supposed to go to a family counselor. But, I'm getting the help I need now. 

WOW! That's a lot to say on the internet......... (Sorry that was so depressing!!!)

Now, PT.2 // What's going to happen with this book...

My plans are to pause updates and go and edit/fix all of the other chapters. There may be drastic updates, or not. If there are drastic updates, I'll post a newer chapter of it with the same title but including "// EDIT". So, you can expect updates on older chapters, and I'll also work on chapter 23 at the same time too. And so, I'll probably post chapter 23 after I've fixed all the other chapters. So, sorry if you were expecting the next chapter but for now you won't have the new chapter. 

I hope you enjoyed this update of mine! P.S. I'm writing another book, and it's not a fanfiction! It's an original book created by me! It won't be published until all the chapters are completed! Then, I'll post a chapter each day. I plan on making 30+ chapters on it and I'm currently working on chapter 5 right now! If you like teen fiction and books similar to zombies and such, I advise you to check it out once it's completed! I'll give you the book description... 

Also, it's called ' S-10746

" Robyn Moore is a 15-year-old girl who lives in the current year of 2078. Her city and others have been bordered off due to a rise of a chemically engineered disease known as S-10746, aka 'Psycho Fever.'

Psycho Fever was made from an accidental mix of chemicals. Scientists were experimenting to help find faster ways of curing bacteria and viruses and mixed a few chemicals together which interacted in a strange way. Scientists excused this and proceeded to test this new drug. What would happen if Robyn Moore was faced with this disease all around her, would she survive and thrive, or would she be infected like everyone else? "

I hope you'll check it out once it's published. I'm guessing it will be published sometime near the end of 2020, so you'll just have to wait!! That's all for now, I hope you have a lovely day!

Love you <3, ~Ray.

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