Chapter 14

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"I love you too.." He says as he walks out. I was lucky to hear him say it before everything went pitch black.


Your P.O.V.

In your dream

I sit up and look around. It was all black except my bed. I hope out and expect to fall but land. When I look towards my feet the ground turns white. I look back up and see a light. I walk towards it but get stopped. I quickly look around and see that I'm in a tank of some sort. It then starts to fill with water. I panic and try to find a way out. I look towards the bottom of the tank and see a pipe that is flowing the water in here. I take off my jacket and stuff it in the pipe. But the water kept coming. I grab my last breathe of air and go under. I smash the glass with my fist when I hear a crack. I keep punching until all that glass breaks. I'm rushed down the hall in the stream of water. I hit my head and knock out cold.

Out of your dream

I quickly sit up. Breathing heavily while sweating. I get up and take a shower to calm down. About 10 minutes later I hop out and get dressed into a black t-shirt with some grey shorts. I put my hair in a messy bun then head to the kitchen to get a drink. I walk into the kitchen and feel a little dizzy. I ignore it and grab a glass. As I walk over to the fridge I feel extra dizzy and faint.

Allura's P.O.V.

I quickly walk into the kitchen as I hear a thud. I look around and to my surprise, find Y/N passed out on the ground with glass on her and around her. I rush over as my eyes water. I use my bracelet to get on the intercom.

"KEITH!! I NEED YOU IN THE KITCHEN IMMEDIATLY!!" I yell as I check for Y/N's pulse. She is lucky to still be alive with the amount of glass shards and blood loss that is happening. A few minutes later Keith rushes in.

"Yes Allura??" Keith asks as he stands on the other side of the kitchen island.

"It's Y/N. I think she fainted and there is glass everywhere. She has a lot of glass in her which means she is losing a lot of blood right now. I need your help." I tell him as he rushes over and carries Y/N bridal style. We then run to the healing pods and Keith gently sets her in, kissing her lips before I close the pod. I then program the pod to be able to take out the glass and heal her body, and to also give her some more blood. While I was doing so I found out who her parents are. I gasp in shock.

"What is it Allura?" Keith asks as he walks closer to me. I start to shake a little.

"H-her father is Z-Zarkon....." I say in shock. Keith looks sad and angry and trying to keep calm. He starts to storm off.

"Keith? Where are you going?!" I yell as I catch up to him.

"To kill Zarkon." He says coldly.

"Not yet, besides, you would need the whole team to defeat Zarkon." I say, trying to convince Keith from leaving. But he ignores me and continues to head towards his lion. I run before him and lock the lion hangar so he can't leave.

"Unlock the door Allura.." He says trying to stay calm.

"No." I state.

"Now Allura!" He says as he starts to raise his voice.


"Allura!! OPEN THE GOD DAMN DOOR RIGHT NOW!!!" He yells at me. I flinch and fall on the floor.

"KEITH! You can't leave, your not in the right mindset!!" I say, trying to stop him.

"YES I AM ALLURA!! NOW MOVE, or else..." He says in a dark manner.

"No, I won't move or unlock this door. Not until you get better." I say getting up. I stare at him as he punches me and knocks me to the floor.

"N-no.... I-I'm so sorry Allura!!" Keith yells as he runs off. I get up and I'm just shocked. At least he wont leave now. I unlock the hangar and head to Coran to get some medical attention.

Lance's P.O.V.

I sit with Coran in the medical room cleaning it up. As we talk about the Balmera, Allura stumbles in. I rush over and help her up.

"Hey, what happened babe?" I ask as I look at her state. I then take her to my seat and let her sit down so she can explain.

"W-Well, I was walking into the kitchen and I found Y/N knocked out cold, so I called for Keith to come immediately. He did and we took her to the pods. While I was programming the healing pod I had found out Y/N's father is Zarkon and I told Keith. He got mad and started to head towards the lions. I ran before him and locked the lion hangar. I tried to stop him until he got really angry and punched me." Allura tells us as she look toward me. I then get really mad. No one hurts Allura, no one. I storm off to find Keith. I find him talking to Hunk. I walk over to Keith and punch him in his face.

"You don't punch my girlfriend ever again. You hear me?" I say with coldness. I lost all my friendship towards Keith. He turns towards me and punches me back.

"It was an accident, I already said sorry," Keith says with coldness. "Now, leave me alone McClain." Keith then leaves the room. I start to go after him when Hunk stops me.

"Just, take a break, ok?" Hunk asks looking worried. I cant disobey my best friend..

"Yeah, you got it.." I say then head back to Allura and Coran. I walk in and see that Coran has left and Allura is asleep. I walk over and kiss her forehead.

"Sleep well baby, I'll be here waiting for you to wake.." I whisper then sit down in a seat next to her. Holding her hand to make sure she knows I'm here.

A few hours later

Pidge's P.O.V.

I sit on the counter as hunk puts the pie in the oven.

"There, now we wait!" Hunk says with a sigh of relief.

"I hate waiting!" I say as I cross my arms. As Hunk was about to say something he was cut off with the castle shaking and the alarms blaring. We rush to our lions and see that the Galra are back again.


Shiro: Ok, team. Remember your training!

Lance: Um, guys. No one can help protect the castle while Allura is still asleep...

Pidge: What happened to her?

Lance: Not now pidge!

Pidge: Sorry..

Shiro: Ok, team. Calm down. Wait, where's Y/N?

Y/N: I'm in the castle, to protect it. I am able to control it with Coran's help. Go team, destroy the galra!!

Keith: Man, I love your enthusiasm Y/N.

*Y/N blushes* Y/N: Heh, thanks...

Keith: Anytime baby, we'll be back soon.

Y/N: Alrighty, GO VOLTRON!!


Sorry I haven't posted in a while. I just have been really busy since I had a party for my mom's boyfriend and I have finals going on right now. I TOTALLY LOVE MIDDLE SCHOOL! JK, I hate it. Anyways, this chapter is a little shorter than others because I needed it to come out. annyeonghi kyeseyo!! ~Ray.

{DISCONTINUED} Unpredictable (Keith X Reader) Where stories live. Discover now