Chapter 13

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I smile and giggle. I put the note down and get dressed.


Your P.O.V.

After getting dressed I go and kiss Keith on the cheek. I then try and find the dining room for some breakfast. After 20 minutes I found it.

"YESSS!! FOOD!!" I yell as I run into the dining room which has food all over the table. I chow down on some food I haven't had since I last visited, Pastel de Zapatero. Also known as, Cobbler Pie. Pretty basic but I love it. I chow down on 4 bowls before I can't handle anymore. I clean up the mess I made then head to their training deck. I finally find it after 10 minutes of walking around. I grab my favorite sword that I have loved since I was a child and carefully cut 2 slices down the back of my shirt. I then hear flapping of my wings as I let out a wanted sigh that I have been holding back for so long. I haven't let my wings out in a long while.. I tell myself as I scan my hand on a hand pad. This is how they keep records of the levels you have passed and your techniques.

"Level 80, initiating." the ship says. Dang, level 80! Let's do it then! I tell myself as I mentally prepare myself. I get the biggest smirk I haven't had in a long time. I ready myself as I see a robot that looks like me appear. She looked exactly like me, except, she was the dark side of me. I see as she readies her sword, which was the opposite of mine.

"3, 2, 1, Begin!" The ship announces. We then leap out at each other, swords cling, making a loud sound of metal clashing. We look each other in the eyes as we back up slowly. She goes in for a swing, but I dodge it and cut her back. She turns around and I go for a hit, but she dodges and cuts the back of my leg. I yelp in pain as I turn around in time to block her next attack. This goes on for a while, dodge and swing, dodge and swing, and so on.

"Come on, damnit!!" I yell as I struggle to stand up, and my opponent lay on the floor struggling to lift a single limb. I limp over and crouch next to her and whisper.

"I win!" then stab her in the back where the heart is located. Then her robot body disappears into thin air.

"Level 80 completed, continue?" I hear the ship ask.

"No, end training session!" I yell clearly so the system hears me. I hear a ding and I put away my sword. I just decide to leave my wings out because why not. I walk out of the training room and see Uncle K and Crolia standing outside clapping. They returned.. I tell myself as I walk over and hug Crolia.

"Good job out there kid!" She says as she rubs my hair. I giggle then head over to Uncle K and hug him.

"Yeah, you were great out there." Uncle K says as we part from our hug.

"Oh, you thing that was good, I'm just rusty right now." I state with a smile.

"Rusty?? Rusty!! The hell, you are like one of the best I know!!" Crolia yells. I laugh in amusement.

"It's good to see you 2 again" I say with a little chuckle. We then start to talk more when out of no where Keith barges into the room.

"Y/N! The other paladins need us to help them, right now!!" He yells. I look toward Uncle K and Crolia and we nod to each other. I put my wings away and run right beside Keith to our lions. The other Blade's are running to their stations.

"What are we up against?" I ask as we hop in our lions wearing our Blade suits.

"Zarkon." Keith says with harshness. It startles me and I just ignore it. We then zoom towards the others. When we get to the others they are trying hard to destroy the enemy but they just keep coming.

"Don't worry guys, we're here now!!" I yell as I come in and protect Pidge and Hunk from being destroyed.

"OH THANK GOODNESS! YOU CAME JUST IN TIME!!" Lance yells. I giggle as I take down about 20 ships in 1 blast.

"Wait, so who is this Zarkon?" I ask as we all continue to fight off the enemy ships.

"Oh! Zarkon is the galra emperor, he has been ruling for over 10,000 years!" Coran informs me.

"Oh, well then.." I say with a smirk. I easily take down the rest of the fighter jets with my bayard entered into it's slot. I can finally find and kill you father.... Where ever you are.. I tell myself as I zoom towards the Galra cruiser.

"Y/N!! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!?!" Hunk yells into the intercom.

"Going to find out if my father is on this ship, and kill him!" I say with pure anger.

"Y/N, not now. We need to form Voltron!" Shiro says.

"NO! THAT IS TOO DANGEROUS!! I will handle this!!" I yell as I disconnect from anyway of contact from the others. My lion puts a particle barrier around me so I won't get hurt.

In your mind

Y/N, what do you think your doing??

What I should have done when I was younger!

and that is?

To kill my father, Dark.

I will not let you do that.

Out of your mind

As dark said that Dark turned around and headed back to the castle.

"Dark!! I need to do this!! this is the only way I can get revenge!!" I yell at Dark. He ignores me and continues toward the castle. I sit in my chair, pull my knees to my chest and start to cry. Once dark arrives at the castle, I stay in my chair. I couldn't let the others see me in this state. So I sit and cry for a few hours before sneaking back to my room and fall asleep.

The next day

I wake up, and my whole body feels hot and cold at the same time. I start to cough every few minutes. I stay in my pajamas, which were a black tank top and some joggers, as I head towards the control room. I enter and see no one. I then head to the dining room which no one was there either. Where is everyone?! I ask myself as I continue to walk around lookin for them. I enter a random room and see Shiro staring at a photo in his hand as he sits on the chair.

"Shiro?" I ask as I slowly step towards him, trying not to cough.

"Oh, Y/N! Hey, you ok??' He nervously asks as he quickly hides the photo.

"Don't be like that Shiro. Now, What is that photo?" I ask. He sighs. He pulls out the photo and hands it to me. I carefully analyze it.

"That is me and my fiancé Adam..." He states with a tear falling down his face. I give him a sad smile and hug him. I have to pull away to be able to cough. But instead, I threw up.

"Ugh..." I say as I sit up.

"Are you okay??" Shiro asks helping me up.

"I think so... I don't know.." I say as I almost stumble to the ground.

"C'mon, lets get you back in bed." Shiro says as he puts me on his back and carries me back to my room. When we get there he places me on the bed and I knock out cold.

The next day

I wake up, feeling better but still awful. I try to get up but to only be put back in bed by Keith.

"No, your sick.." He says a little sad.

"I'll be fine, but I am hungry" I say to him holding his hand.

"Ok, I'll ask hunk to make you some soup" Keith says as he stands up and kisses my forehead. I smile.

"Thank you, Keith. For everything. I-I love you..." I say as I fall back asleep.

"I love you too.." He says as he walks out. I was lucky to hear him say it before everything went pitch black.


phew! done!! Now, time to do some more writing- BUT WAIT!! I wanted to thank you all for over 130 reads!! It really makes me happy knowing people actually like my book. Ok, now to write the next chapter. annyeonghi kyeseyo!! ~Ray.

{DISCONTINUED} Unpredictable (Keith X Reader) Where stories live. Discover now