Chapter 16 + A/N

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OML! Thank you so much for over 350 reads! I love you guys so much! (-u-'(. Now enjoy this chapter!! Also sorry for publishing so late, writers block, AGAIN!!




"Ok?" I say, then head to the kitchen.


As I enter the kitchen I see hunk pulling out these blue disc shaped things from the oven.

"Hey hunk, what's that?" I ask curiously excited.

"Oh, well these are supposed to be cookies but I'm not sure they are anymore." He says, rubbing the back of his neck after placing the 'cookies' on a mat.

"I'm sure they taste great!" I say to cheer him up. He smiles at me and I smile back.

"Now, WHERE'S THE FOOD?!" I yell hungry. Hunk is startled by my yelling then pulls out a whole but load of food. I chow it all down.

"MmmmmMmMm So... Yummy.." I say as I lay on the counter, then burb.

"Excuse me..." I say then start to feel sleepy.

"You should go to bed Y/N, it's midnight already..." Hunk says hesitantly. I nod to him then fly to bed using my wings. I decided to just sleep in the same clothes and just change after my morning shower. I slept alone that night, why? Because Keith went on a mission with Shiro and Allura for a few days. So me, Hunk, Pidge, Lance, and Coran were left here on our own.

I wake up and do my normal routine for the day. Take a shower, get dressed, eat, do some training, etc. Except, I didn't have anything else to do. With Keith gone, it was just kind of, you know, lonely without him there. I mean, yeah he's helping the universe right now, but I just wish he was by my side right now. Then this went on until the day they were supposed to come back. But they never came back. We just thought it was such a huge mission it would take a while. They did go with the B.O.M. though. This started to go on for months. And every day for a few hours we would send out transmissions to find them, sort of what happened to me. Everyone was stationed there for at least 3 hour a day.

1 year later

"Dear Diary,

It's been 1 year since Keith, Allura, and Shiro disappeared while on a mission with B.O.M.

I've been struggling to stay happy, so has lance. Pidge, Hunk, and Coran have given up on them.

During the whole year we tried transmissions all day and night, trying to find anything leading to Keith, Shiro, and Allura. Nothing yet though.

Oh, I got to go do my few hours of doing transmissions now. Bye!"

I write in my journal and head to the control room. I sit in my chair and turn on the panel.

"Hello? Does anyone copy?" I say then turn off mic and listen for a response.

"H-hello?" Someone says.

"YES! Hello? My name is Y/N, I'm part of Voltron. And you are?" I ask politely.

"Y-Y/N? This is Shiro, we are stuck on a planet. I'll s-send you our coordinates right now. See you soon." Then the transmission ends. I rush and gather everyone up in the lion's hanger.

"Guys!! I'm gonna send you these coordinates, we are heading there as fast as we can! Shiro, Allura, and Keith are there! We got to hurry!!!" I yell as I send the coordinates and we all rush to our lions. Once in our lions we rush to the planet.

{DISCONTINUED} Unpredictable (Keith X Reader) Where stories live. Discover now