Chapter 8 + A/N

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I change into some pajamas and put Keith's jacket back on. I quickly fall asleep.


The next morning

I wake up and hop out of bed. I see some armour type stuff on my dresser. And a note. I pick the note up and unfold it.

"Dear Y/N,
This is your Paladin armour! I hope you like it. Meet us in the control room as soon as you can! Thanks.
~ Princess Allura
P.s. there is also your Bayard!"

I put the note down and dress in my armour. Its a beautiful dark red color and also white and black. I wrap Keith's jacket around my waist. It's able to fit. I see my Bayard. I grab it and it transforms into a ponytail band. I put my (H/L) (H/C) into a ponytail. I then run out of my room and into the control room. I'm greeted by Shiro, Princess Allura, Coran, and Keith. I stand next to Keith. He smiles and I smile back at him. We then put our attention on the princess. Not to long later Pidge, Lance, and Hunk come running in.

"Sorry were late!" Pidge says trying to catch her breath. I giggle. Pidge some over and stands s next to me. Lance and Hunk stand next to Shiro.

"So, what are we doing today princess??" Shiro asks the princess.

"Well today you are going to do some team bonding!!" She says excitedly. Lance, Hunk, Pidge, and Shiro sigh. Me and Keith just stare at the princess.

"Coran, please take them to the training deck, I will meet you there" The princess says. We all head toward the training room and stand in the middle of the room. Allura and Coran seem to be in this sort of control room above us. Coran uses a microphone to talk to us.

"Alright paladins! Today you will be working on team bonding!! Now I will tell you what to do, are you ready??" Coran let's us know.

"Yes." We all reply to coran. Coran puts on a big smile. I start to get a little worried.

"Alrighty then! Paladins, I need you to stand in a circle. This first exercise you will do is protect each other. Are you ready?" Coran asks us. We all stand back to back, bayards in hand.

"Ready!" We yell. Then these drones pop out of the roof. We ready our shields and they start attacking.

"Lance, to you left!" I yell to Lance.

"Got it! Thanks Y/N" He thanks me.

Third P.O.V.

Shiro: "Hunk, on your right!"

Hunk: "ohh! Wait-no no no-ahh!!" Hunk screams as he falls down a hole. You all are shocked.

Keith: "Pidge look out!" Keith yells. Pidge fails to block the laser. She falls down a hole. The rest off you all back up against each other.

Shiro: "ok paladins! We need to work as a team! Protect each other! Keith, look out!!" Shiro tells to Keith. Keith is able to block the shot.

Y/N: "LANCE,  ON YOUR 6!!" You yell. Lance misses the block and Shiro falls. Lance then gets shot and falls. It's just you and Keith. You go back to back. Protecting each other. Keith misses a block and your both in a hole now.

An hour later

Your P.O.V.

I stand in the middle of the room with Lance.

"Alright, next exercise is gonna be learning to cooperate with one another. One person will be telling you were to go while you need to do the directions to make it out of the invisible maze. Beware, it stings! Ok, maze up!" Coran shouts and I can see blue walls for just a sec. I then hear a voice in my helmet.

{DISCONTINUED} Unpredictable (Keith X Reader) Where stories live. Discover now