Chapter 11

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Hey guys! I can't wait to get these next few chapters out. I hope you like them, Enjoy!! ~Ray.





"Well..... I analyzed what you told me about you and your history and, I found out your mom is part Galra. That's why you don't know her." I say as place my hand on Keith's shoulder. I look him in the eyes with sympathy. He starts to tear up and I pull him in for a hug. He hugs back then we head to the kitchen to grab a snack. As we enter a corridor between the kitchen and dining room the alarms start to blare.

"Remember Keith, Keep it a secret." I say as we pinky promise then run to the control deck and sit in our seats.

"Ok paladins! The galra are here in a small amount so we should be able to take them down quickly." Allura says pulling up the castle's defenses and particle barrier. As Allura does so our chairs go down and we are transported to our lions and are suited up.

"Alright princess, we are all set and ready to go."

"Ok, thank you Shiro. Alright, Coran set up the particle barrier for release of the lions."

"Yes princess, they don't call me 'Coranic The Mechanic' for no reason!!" Coran yells as he prepares the particle barrier for our leave. We exit and galra fighter jets start to attack. We easily take them down. After we took down all the fighter jets the large cruisers retreated. We headed back to the castle. I got this weird vibe but I decided to ignore it. Once we were back at the castle we headed to the control deck.

"Great job out there paladins!!" Allura yells as she hugs us all. I grunt as she hugs me. Afterwards everyone starts to chat with each other. I decide to head to the healing pods and check my cuts there by doing a full body scan. I enter and scan myself. I look at the screen as it shows my cuts have turned into scars so they were healed but I had a weird marks on my back and legs and abdomen. I decided to head to my room and see these weird marks for myself. Once I entered I closed and locked my door before taking of my armor and under clothes to wear I am just wearing a bra and panties. I slowly walk over to the mirror and look at my weird marks. They were- purple? But why? I touched them and they hurt like a tiny bit but not that bad. I just decided to ignore it and head to bed.

The next morning

I wake up and look in the mirror and see that my weird marks were getting worse. I decided to get dressed and head to Allura and ask her about it. I decided to wear a black shirt that had a dark red Voltron symbol and some dark blue jeans with some brown combat boots. I head and check Allura's room first and luckily there she was on her bed. I walked to the doorway and knocked on the wall.

"Hey, can I come in?"

"Yeah, sure Y/N, what's wrong?"

"Oh I need to show you something I'm a little worried about. Can I close the door?"

"Yeah sure, that's fine Y/N. So what's up."

"Well princess," I say as I lift my shirt to show my stomach area. "There are these weird purple marks appearing all over my body and I'm worried about it." I tell her the rest on how I scanned my body and did some tests. She touches some new spots I got and they hurt badly. I wince in the sudden shock of pain.

"Oh my bad, its just so interesting what is going on. I'm gonna scan you in the species reader. Be right back I need to grab it!" She yells through the hallway as she rushes to get that scanner. I sit on her bed and start to worry. What if its a disease? Or I'm part alien? I mean I am part Mamaloin but that doesn't mean I cant be an other species. I mean I saw 'Him' turn purple when I was 5 but I didn't understand it. I continue to speak to myself in a low whisper as I hear Allura come crashing back into her room.

"FOUND IT!" She yells as she plops onto the bed to breathe.

"Ok, now I am just going to connect this up to your head and it should tell us what species you are." She says as she hooks up these things to my temples. I nod for her to start. She does so and I fell a shock go through my body for a minute then she unhooks me and we wait for the results. She sits across from me as I sit on the bed and her a desk chair.

I hear a gasp escape from Allura as I hear a ding and she starts to read the results. Her expression turns into hatred. I wonder why?

"Your part galra." She bluntly says as she closes her computer and stands up.

"Get out of my room Y/N, now." She commands.


"No! I said leave!" She yells. I feel tears start to come to my eyes. I rush out of her room and run down the halls crying. I just head to my room, I couldn't let anyone know about my species. They would Hate me. I slam and lock my door. Everyone was training so they shouldn't know where I am right now. I lay on my bed and cry. Allura was like my best friend when I didn't have Sky or Pidge, and now she hates me. Why? Why me?? Why must it be me who gets hurt and hated by everyone. Soon they will all hate me. Then what will I do? I continued to cry for a few hours until I hear a knock on my door.

"Y/N?" I hear a muffled but sorta clear voice say.

"W-who is it?" I ask wiping my tears away.

"It's Pidge, can I come in?"

"Yeah, come in Pidge" I say as the door unlocks and opens. Pidge walks in and it closes. She sits next to me.

"What happened? Allura seems angry and upset while your here crying."

"H-how did you know I was crying?"

"Well, for starters, your face is all red and puffy, second off Allura told us what happened. I know that I don't hate you for it. Even though Allura does." She says saddened. I cry more.

"It's ok Y/N, I'm here for you. We are like sisters kind of huh?"

"Yeah," I say as I chuckle and sniffle. I lay in her lap and we talk about what they were doing and so on.

At dinner

I walk into the dining super early and sit there while I have the time to think in this nice peace. About an hour later Shiro, Pidge, Hunk, and Coran walk in and go to their seats. Then Keith walks in and sits next to me like always. He tries to hold my hand but during the day it had turned purple and I pulled away. I didn't want him to see me like this even though he was my boyfriend and I knew he didn't hate me for it. I just couldn't handle the pity looks. Lance and Allura walk in together and take their seats. Allura and I make eye contact and I can see how much she hates me now. I just look down and feel a reassuring touch from Keith and give him a small smirk. We all then start to eat and talk. Everyone talked except me.

"How was your day Y/N?" I hear Shiro ask me and it turns silent in the room.

"Umm... It was-" I try to say but am interrupted.

"It was fine." I hear Allura say with anger as she looks at me. I start to get furious. Why does she have to be mad at me all the time now since we found out I was part galra, it doesn't make me the enemy. I try to keep calm and continue eating.

"So... How did you guys do in training?" I ask while keeping calm.

"It wa-"

"They did great." Allura cuts Pidge off. I stand up and slam my hands down on the table and everyone jumps.

"Ok, what the fuck Allura? What has gotten into you?!" I yell across the table. She stands up.

"Maybe because we have 2 people who are part galra in my castle!" She yells back.

"Well I'm sorry but we can't control how we were born with this 'virus' coursing through our veins! And maybe you should TRY and act nicer to everyone for once since you command us around like we are those stupid mice you have. And don't get me started on how you treat each and everyone of us!!" I yell directly at her. Everyone just stares in shock. I then can't take it anymore and storm out to the training deck.


Hey guys! I am updating kind of fast and I'm very happy about that. I hope you enjoyed, annyeonghi kyeseyo~!! (That's Korean for goodbye, I think). ~Ray.

{DISCONTINUED} Unpredictable (Keith X Reader) Where stories live. Discover now