Chapter 4

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"Now. Time for business." The princess says strictly.


As the princess looks at us sternly I get a shiver and think about how my father would look at me like that then hurt me. My eyes start to swell up but I hold it back.

"Ok, so still need to find the yellow lions paladin, also, we are in a war against Zarkon. He is a powerful emperor and a galra." I look at her with shocked eyes. I then remember a moment in my past where I was told I was part mamaloin (that's an alien race I made up rn lol). I try to keep calm. So that's why I've had those weird things happen to me in my life... You think to yourself.

"Umm... M-may I please be excused for the rest of today?.." I ask nervously.

"Of course" She says to me concernaly.

"Coran, please show them to their rooms?" The princess asks Coran politely.

"Of course, princess!" Coran responds respectively.

"Follow me everyone!" Coran motions as we follow. I struggle to keep myself from crying.

We were set up with someone across from us but very far away from each other. Lance was located near Pidge. Shiro with the other unknown paladin. And Keith near me. I was glad Keith got to room near me. I don't know why, but I just was. Once we all said goodnight I laid in bed. Not very long after I drifted off to sleep.

*In her dreams*

"Shut up you mistake!!" My father yells at me while beating me with a belt. My brother was located at the Garrison. So he never new what father did to me. I had to be abused by him everyday. And night.

"N-no p-p-please stop!!" I scream while pleading for him to stop. He just continues. He brings his hand back and swings very hard.

*end dream*

"AHHHHH" I scream while jumping forward. I was crying? And sweating? I didn't know. I just started to cry. As I was crying I heard a knock on my door.

"Y/N? You ok? Is everything alright??" I hear Keith ask through the door. I wipe my tears and put a fake smile on.

"I'm fine!" I saw nervously as he might notice.

"No your not, you woke up screaming. Come with me." He motions me to follow him. I do so. He takes me to his room and lends me some clothes he brought with him. I just put on a black shirt and some shorts of his. We then lay in his bed. His arms around my waist and my head in his chest. We slowly drift off to sleep.

The next day

I woke up to me in Keith's arms in his bed. I start to blush then remember what happened last night. I look up to Keith who looked sound asleep and at peace. So I just decided to stay there and play with his hair till he woke up.

"Nngh-Y/N?" Keith asks with complete sleepiness in his voice. It had been about 30 minutes since I woke up.

"Hey sleepyhead. How are you?" I ask him while giggling. He grabs me tighter.

"Good" He says while smirking. He then kisses my forehead. I blush like a maniac. He laughs.

"What so funny!?" I ask flustered.

"Oh, just how you started to freak out after I just kissed your forehead. That's all." He says while smiling. He has the prettiest smile! I thought to myself. He really did. I smile back and hug him.

As we were hugging someone enters the room and we shoot up. We look at the door and see Pidge standing there.

"Um... Breakfast is- OH MY GODS!!! ARE Y'ALL A THING!?!" Pidge asks screaming with excitement. We blush and look away from each other.

"No!" Me and Keith blurt out at the same time. We both blush even crazier than before. Pidge just smiles and smiles. Like a creep. I look at Pidge who looks like she is about to burst.

"C-could you go n-now Pidge..?" I ask still very flustered.

"SURE" Pidge says running down the hall. Then the door closes.

I look at Keith who is messing with his hands. I smirk a little knowing he has a soft side. He then turns to me. I look down immediately embarrassed. I'm blushing like a freak. He then turns me to face him. I have to look up because I'm really short. He leans down and next thing I know is that was were kissing. I immediately kiss back. I didn't know why but 'this' just felt right. After a minute of us kissing Keith pulls back.

"I-im sorry, I should have asked.." Keith says embarrassed and sadly.

"Keith, it's ok. Honestly, you were the right person to kiss, especially since it was my first" I chuckle embarrassed. Keith looks at me and hugs me.

He then gets up and grabs a pair of clothes.

"Here you can wear this" He says placing the clothes on the bed.

"Thanks" I say to him as I grab the clothes. I head to his very large closer and change in there. As I pull the shirt on I see his jacket. I wonder if he wouldn't mind.. I say to myself. Mostly curiosity but also a little mischievousness. I grab the jacket and put it on. It was a little big? Ok it was very big on me. But still, it was very comfortable. I walk out of the closet and see Keith taking off his shirt. I blush and look down at the floor before he could notice. After he put his shirt on he turned around.

"Wow..." Is all he says. I look at him confused. Still slightly blushing.

"You look great in my jacket." He says to me. I think he was surprised that I decided to put it on.

"I-if you don't want me to wear it I can p-put it back." I say a little sadly. He looks at me with concern and walk towards me. He pulls my chin up to were we are looking at each other in the eyes. His purple eyes sparkling, so pretty. He then leans in and kisses me. I do the same. After a moment we pull back. I start to smile. He then smirks.

"Ready?" I ask him.

"Yeah, let's go." He replies.

We walk through the halls and into the dining room. As we walk in we see an unfamiliar face. I put my guard up, same as Keith. We sit next to each other. A few minutes Allura walks in.

"Ahh! Great now everyone is here. Alright I would like to introduce Hunk!" She says excitedly while pointing to the unfamiliar face.

"H-hey!" He says shyly while waving. I then smile and wave back. So does everyone else.

"Hunk, is the paladin of the yellow lion!" Allura says screaming with excitement. We all look at her happily. Then this weird green goo pops up in front of us. We look at it weirdly. I slowly take a bite. Mmmm I say wowed by the taste.

"This is really good!!" I say with excitement in my eyes. Keith looked at me and smiled. He knew I was happy. I did too. After breakfast we all went in our seperate ways. I headed towards my lion to get a better understanding of it. I walk towards my lion as it lights up and opens its mouth to let me in. I smirk and run in. As I sit down in the seat the control panel lights up. My smirk grows larger as the lion roars. I grab the thrusters and start to fly the lion. I do flips and spins and dives. I was in my happy place. As I landed my lion with the largest smile on my face in years. I walk out of the lion to see Keith walking towards me clapping.

"That was amazing." He says winking. I blush like a mad man. He walks over to me and gives me a kiss on the cheek. I then pull him into a hug. He looks at me confused for a moment then hugs me back.


1388... Not my best....

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