Chapter 15

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"Y/N: Alrighty, GO VOLTRON!!"


Shiro: You heard her team, lets start with attacking the fighter jets.

Paladins: Yes sir!

Your P.O.V.

I stare from the castle as I watch the other's take down the fighter jets. They then form Voltron, but while the do so the Galra cruiser fires a laser beam. I am able to block it, of course with the help of Coran. The beam heads back towards the ship and the ship blocks it. Voltron then comes in and destroys the cruiser. They then separate and head back to the castle. I rush to Keith to hug him. He hesitates then squeezes me tightly. We pull back and head back to the control room with the others.

Why did Keith hesitate when I hugged him?? I ask myself as I glimpse at Keith who looks worried.

"Hey Keith, is everything okay with you?" I ask him as I place my hand in his.

"Y-yeah, just thinking that's all baby" He states then kisses me. He then heads off somewhere. I go to the others to see if I can find out what is wrong with him. I walk into the lounge room and find everyone talking and Allura sitting, staring at the ground. I walk over to the others first and ask them if they know what's up. They all say no. I then walk over to Allura.

"Hey, what's going on with you and Keith. It's like you 2 are hiding some big secret.." I say as she looks shocked as she looks into my eyes. She says nothing and runs off. I question it for a moment then just ignore it and hang out with the other.

Allura's P.O.V.

I look at Y/N shocked. I say nothing and run off to find Keith. A few minutes later I am able to find him in the training room, chilling.

"KEITH!" I yell as I run up to him. He jumps up and turns toward me.

"What's wrong?!" He yells, worried.

"We can't keep this up, this secret. We have to tell them, we have to tell her.." I say as we sit down.

"No, we can't. We are doing this to protect them - her..." Keith says with sadness and worry. I rub his back in reassurance. Pidge then pops out from the corner.

"Can't tell us what, hm?" She looks at us sternly. I look towards Keith and he nods hesitantly.

"Please, sit Pidge. This is a long story..." I say. Pidge then sits down next to me.

After telling the whole story

"Wow, that's a lot of information.." Pidge says stunned - more shocked.

"I know, now you can't tell anyone. Promise?" I ask.

"I promise Allura!" Pidge says then hugs me, I hug her back.

Keith's P.O.V.

While Allura told Pidge about what was going on, I left the room to be able to think. I headed to my lion, Red. I left that way I could thing. I am still trying to wrap my head around the fact that Y/N's father is Zarkon.

A few hours later

Your P.O.V.

I can't find Keith! I looked around the whole castle, even his room. And there is no sign of him. I give up knowing he probably left for good, and head back to his room. I look in his closet for some clothes and find his jacket. I grab it and lay on his bed clutching his jacket tightly, while crying my heart out. About 20 minutes later I hear a swoosh and as I look up at the door I see Keith standing there, with a sad face. My eyes widen and my heart melts as I jump off his bed and rush into his arms.

{DISCONTINUED} Unpredictable (Keith X Reader) Where stories live. Discover now