Chapter 21

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"Well, me and Allura are finally engaged!" He exclaims. Me and Pidge jump up and down, sqealing our little heads off as everyone else says congratulations.


Later that night

Your P.O.V.

After dinner, I head to my room, exhausted from all that has been going on for the past months, and go to bed in the clothes I was wearing before.

In the morning

As I wake up I realize I'm not actually awake, or I am but I can't move,

'What's happening!? Why can't I move!? Wait, I know what this is... What is it called again.. Sleep.. sleep p.. sleep paralysis!!!'

I remember as I look around, confused, dazzed, whatever you want to call it. I didn't fight back, since I was so used to this happening in my childhood. I just closed my eyes and tried to move every few minutes. Once I could move my finger, I opened my eyes and got up. I get dressed like normal, but I decided a more rebellious look will do for today. I get dressed in a black no sleeve crop top, some blacked ripped jeans, my black Converse, and Keith's jacket. I leave my room and head to the cortex to see what today's plan was for me, since Allura would sometimes send plans for us. I check and I have no plans, so I decided to just stroll around the castle and find new things I guess. As I'm walking I somehow make my way to a creepy hallway, and I get a weird feeling throughout my body. I try to dismiss it but as I'm walking down the hallway more, it happens again but the creepy feeling is accompanied by a wave of nervousness. Like I'm going on stage for the first time and everyone is just staring at me to start. I decide to pull out my Bayard and go slower. As I look through each door making sure no one is in there, there is a door a few feet away that I'm hearing muffled sounds from. I slowly approach it and I hesitate just for a moment, than I open the door to something I shouldn't have seen.

"L-Lance, A-Allura??" I say shocked at what I'm seeing..

"Uhm, hey Y/N, uhh, this isn't what it looks like.." Lance says completely flustered and nervous.

I look away making sure I don't see anymore, "God! Couldn't y'all have done that in one of y'all's room or something?" I felt like puking.

"She's right Lance.."

"I know... Sorry Y/N, we'll leave here"

"Cool" I say and head on my way. It felt like my eyes have been ripped of any more innocence I had left in me. I try not to think about it and just make my way back to the cortex to check up on Earth.

As I enter the cortex I see Coran and Pidge working on something, I ignore it and head to my seat. I pull up my folder with all the earth things and I realize I haven't texted Sky back in over a year. I ran to my room as fast as I could and opened my computer, I quickly try to call Sky, no response. I try again, nothing. I try one more time and she answers, she looks awful. She has major bags under her eyes, her hair is a big mess, and it looks like she has been crying a lot for a long time.

"S-Sky..?" I say, nervous.

"Y-Y/N!?!?" She says shocked.

"Sky.. I'm so sorry!!!"

"It's ok Y/N, I forgive you.. I just wish you were here to hear what happened.."

"Is it about Lucy..?"

Sky looks at me shocked and her eyes swell up, she holds back her tears and nods her head yes and no.

"What else is it then?" I ask, confused and worried.

{DISCONTINUED} Unpredictable (Keith X Reader) Where stories live. Discover now