Chapter 2-New Home

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Narrator POV

Last time Storm met Star and she told him what happen and how her sister betrayed and killed her parents. Now Storm and Star have a promise, a promise to watch over and protect each other with their life.

"Storm there you are...whose she"-Adam

Star hid behind Storm even though they promise each other Star doesn't know a lot about Storm just yet.

"(Whisper) w-who's he"-Star

"(Whisper) don't worry he won't hurt you"-Storm

"Wow that is some strange hair"-Adam


"Adam be nice. Sorry about him he's an idiot"-April

Storm and Star just had a sweat drop from them.

"Now what's your name little creature"-April


"Go on ahead they may be dumb, but they won't hurt you"-Storm


"M-my name is S-Star"-Star

"Star huh? Is it because of your hair"-Adam


"Or is it because the stars right now are so bright"-Adam

Star felt a little uncomfortable from all the questions that Adam was giving her and Storm started to notice that. Storm got a little angry and kicked Adam in the knee.


"HA you got kicked by a little male creature"-April

"Adam she getting a little uncomfortable"-Storm

"Couldn't you just tell me that"-Adam

"Well I just did"-Storm


"(sigh) come on lets get back home and help her settle in. Star still terrified of what happen 4 hours ago"-Storm

"wait she's staying with us"-Adam

"Indeed of course she has no where to go"-Storm

"We could settle her in for adaptation"-Adam


"ABSOLUTLY NOT"-April and Storm

"OW okay okay"-Adam

"Come on Star are you cold"-Storm

"A-a little"-Star

"Come on guys I don't want her to catch a cold or get sick"-Storm

"Alright since when did you get so protective for her"-Adam

"I think it's sweet Storm you are such a gentlemen"-April


"heh well thanks"-Storm

Storm quickly led Star into a shiny black car and he opened the door for her to get in. Adam was going to drive and April was in the front seat while Storm sat with Star in the back seat. The entire car trip Star was silent as her hands were on her lap and she was looking down at them, her hands were shaking like she was angry or scared or both. Storm was looking  out the window and was thinking about how he felt when he was in Star's position, but instead of a sibling killing the parents it was the main creature the one creature he will one day get revenge on for killing his father. Star then fell asleep and Storm was just watching her sleep he can't honestly blame her for falling asleep, it was late at night and the car trip was very long. Soon after a 2 hour drive they stop at a really tall building

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