Chapter 23-Apology from the Wrong Creature

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"Storm are you sure about this"-Brooke


"Are you sure about this? What if Star wakes up"-Drake

It was the next morning and a new school day, Storm wanted to go back to school, but Drake and Brooke tried to not let him go.

"She won't...Doctor Azura said she will probably wake up in 2 or 3 days"-Storm

"You never know Storm"-Drake

"It's alright I want to go to school. Is it not why I argued with you two"-Storm

Drake and Brooke went silent, they knew that they can't win an argument against Storm and just let him go to school. Once Storm was soaring in the air he was thinking maybe he should stay at the HQ...but then again he needed to tell the others that Star is okay.

At School...


Storm was walking down the halls looking for Pink, John, Flare, Joseph, Blake, and Rowen when the creatures that he needed to find will find him either way. Once the group approach Storm, Pink shook him with all her might, but she wasn't as strong as Storm so the only thing moving was Storm's arm.


"Pink if you please stop shaking my arm I will tell you"-Storm


Pink stopped and let go of Storm's arm.

"It's alright now about Star, she is doing fine. She will be back up in 2 or 3 days"-Storm

"Really are you sure the "incident" left a serious wound. For a regular creature she would have been in the hospital for 2 to 3 months"-Joseph

"If she wakes up"-John


" ears"-Storm

"Sorry Storm, but those two are so ungentlemanly that I had too"-Flare

"I understand and it's fine"-Storm

"But seriously how can Star recover that fast are you sure the doctor there is right"-Pink

"I can assure you all that this doctor is very intelligent and has taken care of my needs before his own"-Storm

"Alright, but another thing why are you here"-Rowen

"Beg your pardon"-Storm

"Why are you here at school shouldn't you be taking care of Star since she is your girlfriend right"-Rowen

"Um...well...Rowen you see"-Storm

"Rowen Storm and Star are not dating...yet"-Blake


"Come on Storm isn't it pretty obvious"-Pink

"Is it"-Storm

"Well not to Star she is very oblivious to feelings"-Flare

"She is"-Storm

"What you don't know that about her"-Blake

"Um...well no. Growing up she was never asked on or anything"-Storm

"Is it because you were always there for her"-John


The group gave a "I knew it" look to one another while Storm hanged his head in embarrassment.

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