Chapter 29- Back to School

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"Are you ready"-Storm 

"Indeed I am though meeting Ginger will be quite difficult"-Star 

"Don't worry I'm here"-Storm 

It was a brand new day and Star's wounds were healing pretty fast. Fast enough for her to go back to school, but not fast enough for any combat or physical education yet. 

"Come on then we don't want to keep the other creatures waiting"-Storm 

"Right we should get a move on then"-Star 

Star and Storm headed inside Leadwood High School. Once inside Star couldn't help, but hear whispering from other creatures. 

"(Whisper) She's okay?!?"-Female creature

"She's back and with Storm as well"-Another female creature

"I thought they weren't friends anymore"-Male creature

"Ginger is going to not like this"-Another male creature 

"(Whisper) They are talking about you my dear"-Storm 

"I know Storm, but let them. They will not be a burden as much sooner or later"-Star 


Star and Storm made it to Star's locker and Storm waited for Star to finish getting her belonging before class starts. Until...


"(What in the angels)"-Both 

Soon Star was tackled onto the ground by a pink and orange creature.

"Flare...Pink you are hurting my wounds"-Star 


"Good morning Flare and Pink. Are you alright my dear"-Storm 

"I'm quite alright Storm, but you two can you please let me go"-Star 

"Opps sorry"-Both 

Once Flare and Pink got off of Star, Storm came and helped her up from the ground. 

"Star hey are you feeling any better"-Blake 

"I'm feeling quite alright, I'm still weak, but I think I can manage"-Star 

"Good because you will never believe who we saw"-John 

"And that would be?"-Star

"Ginger"-All (Flare, Pink, Blake, Rowen, John, and Joseph)

"Well that would be a issue now wouldn't it"-Star 

"Sure is"-???


Star stepped closer and Storm stayed by her side. Ginger had Bell with her, but Bell seems terrified. 

"Ginger I heard once I woke up that you were suspended from school"-Star 

"And I heard you got hurt from your love interest here oh what am I saying I saw it (laugh)"-Ginger 

Storm growled, but Star put her hand on his shoulder to calm down. 

"Well then I also heard that you were terrified when Storm threaten you. I presume you should, Storm does have a anger problem"-Star 

"Pardon Star?!?"-Storm 

Star just gave a little wink at Storm saying it was a humor and a truth at the same time. 

"(Why you little...)"-Storm 

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