Chapter 6- The Great Legend

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Last time on Our Promise , Star and Storm was checking out the carnival when all of a sudden Star gets kidnapped and Storm came to rescue her, but in the end the male creature had something up his sleeve. 


Star jumped in front of Storm while the male creature  was still holding the small blade with his only arm. Storm turned around to see Star shielding him. Star closed her eyes and before she knew it a purple shield appeared in front of Star. 


Storm was amazed and so was Star to see that a protect came out from Star. 

"(I-what just happen)"-Star

Then the male creature grabbed Star neck again and instead of stabbing her, the creature threw her to the side. Star's head collided to the wall and left her unconscious.


Storm then soon got up his fist were surrounded by a dark aura and he was mad very mad. The creature didn't even get a second to realize before he was punched really hard near a wall and then he was lifeless. Storm then clamed down, his hands which use to have a dark aura was now calm and he rushed over to Star which seem to slowly wake up from the impact.

"W-what in the stars happen"-Star 

"Are you alright Star"-Storm 

Storm kneeled down to help his friend while Star rubbed her head with one hand and the other one touching Storms. 

"I-I guess m-my head is killing me"-Star 

"You want me to carry you"-Storm 

"No thank you I'll be okay"-Star 

"Are you sure"-Storm 

"(Nod) Let's go before we draw a crowd"-Star 


Storm grabbed Star's hand and spread his wings and fly. Star had never in her life experience her wings before, she only knew about it so she was still in training. When they got back to the HQ Brooke was getting some ice for Star and Storm was telling Drake what had happen. 

"I see so those creatures  were out for blood"-Drake 

"Not anyone else's just us two"-Storm 

"It was nice of you to help Star out though I don't believe she would have save herself"-Drake 

"Well she did make a shield out of no where without it I would have not been here now"-Storm 

"So she has powers just never knew how to tame it"-Drake 

"Maybe she did, but never actually told any of us before"-Storm 

"Why not ask her she's sitting on the couch right now"-Drake 


Star was just on the couch thinking when she heard Storm. 


"Star have you ever experience your magic before"-Drake 


"When you create the shield to protect me have you done that before"-Storm 

"Well I have not I don't think so oh wait"-Star 


"Star are you sure you don't want to"-Star's mom

Our Promise-The BeginningDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora