Chapter 8 Part 1 of 3- A New Student

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Last time on Our Promise , Star was attacked by some vines only to be saved by a mysterious person or creature. Who could that person or creature be? Now onto the story.

Star woke up in her room on her bed. After that fight with Leo and the vines Star got back to school and pretend that nothing ever happen and with her bright mind she made tons of excuse or some kind of questioning looks to her friends when they ask her what happen or like is she okay. Star got out of bed and turned off her alarm clock and went to Storm's door. Star's room after 8 years has been made and designed to what Star calls roomy. She had a purple bed and some drawers and closet for her clothes. A vanity mirror and vanity, a desk and desk lamp, and finally some pictures of her parents and other stuff over her 8 years of growth. Star even has a balcony outside just in case if Star needs to think or just wanted some quiet time since there was new addition to the agency it was getting to her. Star open a door that was her room and Storm's room and when she opened her sleepy eyes she saw no creature was there.

"(Strange where could Storm be)"-Star

Star then got ready for school and went out of her bathroom.


"Good morning where is Storm"-Star

"I don't know I guess he went to Drake. All I could hear was arguing and I'm guessing Storm won since he had a smirk on his face"-Adam

"(Sigh)Alright I must go now"-Star

Once Star made it to school she felt as if the school was louder.

"(What could be going on today.)-Star

Star then made to her locker until.


Pink, Flare, John, and a male creature with brown hair and green eyes was coming towards her. The creature was wearing a black jacket with a green shirt. He had white pants and was wearing black shoes with neon shoelaces.

"Flare, Pink, John, and Joseph good morning to you too"-Star

"Star haven't you heard"-John

"I beg your pardon, but I have not received any news or heard such things"-Star

"So no"-Pink


"We have a new student here today"-Joseph

"Oh I guess that's wonderful news or is it bad news"-Star

"It's only bad news if the new human or creature is mean, but we'll see"-John

"Indeed I best be off now class starts and I don't want to be late"-Star

"Alright bye"-All

"Wait Star wait up"-???


A human boy with red hair and brown eyes was running towards her. He was wearing a up-tight dress shirt tucked in, jeans, a black belt, and he was wearing some leather shoes.

"Oh hello there Rowen are you late again"-Star

"I made it just on time (sigh) I'm glad too thanks for waiting on me"-Rowen

"No problem this place is not safe to you humans it's better if you came early so you can at least be protected by me or John or some creature"-Star

"Yea I know come on I don't want to be late and miss the new human or creature"-Rowen

Once Star took her seat she closed her eyes and didn't open them since some creature was sitting right next to her that will annoy her forever.

"Hello there sweetie"-Xavier

"(Sigh) Leave me alone Xavier"-Star

"No can do we are seat buddies now aren't we"-Xavier

As Xavier said that he got closer to Star while Star didn't even open her eyes and turned her head the opposite direction.

"Alright class settle down we have a new student today and I want all of you to be nice to him. He doesn't know his way so if he ever ask a question please answer him in a respectful way. You can come in"-Teacher

As the teacher said that Star opened her eyes in belief and stood there shocked.

"(Come again)"-Star

There stood a boy about 17 years old. He wore a black jacket and a white shirt. His hoodie was up, but some could see he has black hair. His eyes open revealing clear black eyes. He was wearing black pants and black converse. On his pointing finger he had a silver ring.

"Hello my name is Storm Waterford. Nice to meet all of you"-Storm

"(Oh my moons)"-Star

Storm's British accent made all the female creature in the class all of a sudden have hearts as eyes.

"Now Storm since you are new lets find you a where can w-"-Teacher

"Star is that you"-Storm

Every creature eyes faced directly at Star while Star eyes were wide open and she was covering her mouth with her hand.

"Miss Star do you know Storm"-Teacher

"Um...y-yes Mr. Cart Storm's my um..."-Star

"Childhood and best friend"-Storm


"It's been some time my dear"-Storm

"Well in that case Xavier move to the seat near the window and Storm why don't you sit next to Star"-Mr. Cart


"NOW Mr. Road unless you want a detention I suggest you move to the seat I told you"-Mr. Cart

Xavier grungily got up and move to his new seat. While passing by Storm stuck out his tongue only for Xavier to see and Xavier did see it. Xavier glared it down and knew he hated Storm from the beginning. Once Storm sat down he smiled at Star and Star returned the smile with a small smile.

"Alright class let's start with the assignment shall we"-Mr. Cart

"(Whisper)How you get here? I thought Drake doesn't allow you to come here"-Star

"(Whisper)I have my ways don't worry about it alright"-Storm

As Storm said that he placed his hand on top of Star's hand. Star felt Storms, warm, hard hand compared to her cold, soft hands. She couldn't help but gave a small little blush.

"(Grr...this male creature. Who do you think he is? I know Star since like little)"-Xavier

"Hey there I'm Rowen Star's friend"-Rowen

"Hello there"-Storm

"Wait question how did you guys know each other for so long"-Rowen

"Well see we met since I was 8 and that's all"-Star

"Oh cool well Storm just to put this up I'm a human being"-Rowen

"That's wonderful I see a lot of potential in you human and I do believe that you are a smart and kind human"-Storm

"Heh thanks dude"-Rowen

Rowen then returned back to his assignment and Star looked at Storm with a smile and so did he.


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