Chapter 20- Star vs Ginger

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"Alright class now like the previous battles there will be no bloodshed and if there is so then it will be over"-Mr. River 

Star and Ginger nodded. 

"Alright you two battle begin"-Mr. River 

Ginger then engulfed light red flames to her hand and charged at Star who gave no worried looks or even opened her eyes. 

"(Same old Ginger have she not payed any attention to her strategy at all)"-Star 

Star then decided not to use any magic, but simply jumped really high in the air. Every creature was amazed for how Star could jumped really high or maybe it's because her wings were secured behind her back and that no creature knows that she has wings except for Storm. 

"What the-how did you do that"-Ginger

Star just shrugged and looked at the ceiling. She does not want to battle today especially battle Ginger who she slapped with a book 2 days ago.


Then Ginger charged at Star again, but Star dodged her entire move. Soon after Ginger was tired out and that was Star's plan all along. 

"It seems you are tired"-Star 

"NO I'm just uh..."-Ginger

"You are tired and that was indeed my strategy"-Star 

Soon Star then created a tiny galactic aura and charged it toward Ginger. Even though it was tiny it was a critical hit. Ginger was kneeling down after the hit. Star stood, eyes narrowed down, but didn't go any closer. Ginger even though she was kneeling from the pain she had a evil grin on her face. 

"(Evil Laughter)"-Ginger 

Star, the class, and Mr. River looked at Ginger with a puzzled look.

"Star I now know who you truly are"-Ginger

"I beg your pardon"-Star 

"I know what your are and what you are hiding"-Ginger

"(Sigh) Ginger I'm not hiding anything you said this 2 days ago and I keep telling you that I am not"-Star 

"Oh you are indeed you are hiding something you monster"-Ginger 

"....beg your pardon"-Star 

"Ginger enough head over to the principal's office now"-Mr. River

Ginger ignored Mr. River.

"You heard me I know every creature's weakness in this school who they are afraid of and for some reason I never knew anything about you. You always keep to yourself and never showed emotions to anyone yet when some creature came you brighten up and showed ever emotion that you tucked away"-Ginger

"How is that any of your concern? My personal emotions are my own not for you to know"-Star 

"(Mimic)Oh my personal concern is my own meh meh meh oh please don't make me laugh"-Ginger

"I'm not intending the only one who can make you laugh is your own and I believe this conversation is over"-Star 

Star then started to head over to the bleachers when she heard a sound coming towards her and she dodged with ease. Ginger was throwing light red aruras at her with her strength and every creature could tell that Ginger was giving everything she got considering the auras were huge. 


Star ignored Ginger which made her even more mad. 


That was the last straw for Star when Ginger threw a light red aura at Star this time instead of dodging Star held out her hand and the aura disappeared within seconds. 

"I don't appreciate creatures calling me names and I don't intend to...bring my anger, but with your exception...YOU WENT OVER IT"-Star 

Star turned around, her eyes were a shade of dark purple and it was clear to every creature that it meant "death". This startled every creature and I mean every creature. Ginger's expression was changed from angry to fear, the students on the bleachers coward in fear except for Storm who just happen to stand up, and Mr. River was now trying his best not to cower in fear, but he was really struggling, never in his years of teaching has he ever met something like this. Star then took a step toward to Ginger, but Ginger aimed a light red aura at Star which Star moved it to the side. Star meant no joke and every creature could tell, Star was enraged. Storm then ran over in front of Star to block her from getting any closer to Ginger. 

"Star calm down"-Storm 

Star didn't say anything and kept on getting closer. 

"Star it's me Storm please can you hear me"-Storm 

Star said nothing. Storm now know how it feels when trying to calm down creatures who are enraged usually Storm was the one who always gets enraged, but this time Star was the one and Storm could not abandon his childhood best friend when she needed him the most. Star was always there to help him now it's his turn to help her. 

"Star listen to me-"-Storm 

Storm remembered something...

"Can you promise me...when I go crazy or mad you will stop me even if it means hurting me"-Star 

"Of course no matter what"-Storm 

Storm remembered what Star said and what he promised. Storm thought Star was joking, but she actually meant it and with a little fear Storm charged a black aura around his fist and...

"(Forgive me)"-Storm 


Every creature gasped, Mr. River stood there in shock, Pink and Flare eyes were tearing up, John and Joseph had tiny tear drops forming in their eyes, and for Storm, tears were dropping like crazy, streams of sorrowful and guilt were pouring down not only from his eyes, but from his chest as well. Every creature stared in disbelief. Storm attacked...Star. Storm's fist which was still covered in black aura was promptly in front of Star. Star's clothes directly near the chest where her heart laid (A/N: Yes I know that the heart is not actually there. I've taken health class, but this is a fantasy book soooooo..... yea) was now covered in dark red....blood. Star's eyes were back to normal, but for only a second to realize what had happen. Star eyes were now shut then without hesitation Star fell backwards blood was trickling down from her chest and from her mouth now. Storm caught Star before she could hit the ground, her head resting on Storm's arm while Storm's other hand was holding onto Star's hand. 

"(I'm sorry please be alive I can't lose you)"-Storm 


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