Chapter 12- The Anger

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In an abandon building well not an abandon building, it just look abandon, by a spell, but it's really not. There was some adult humans roaming around the entire coverage except the ceiling. The ceiling was the perfect place for 4 creature to prepare for an attack. One was wearing a black cloak with red out lining. His face and some of his hair was covered by his hood and he was holding a sword. Next to the mysterious creature was a teen female creature with flying hair with the outer black hair sparkling mixed in with some magenta and purple highlights tied into a ponytail. She was wearing a black tang top and a belt for her jean shorts. She also have black knee high combat boots and on her back was a big purple scythe. Then there was two adult creature, a male and a female who seem to be arguing.

"(Sigh) remind me again whose mission is this"-The female creature with the ponytail

"Well it's April and Adam, but we have to watch out for them"-The cloak creature

"And remind me why do we need to"-The female creature with the ponytail

"Star you know why you can clearly look at them right away why"-The cloak creature

Star turned around to the two arguing adult creatures and sweat drop appeared on her head.

"I see"-Star

The hooded figure then removed his hood and it revealed none other then Storm.(Yep XD)

"Yep and the last time it went well not as Drake had plan"-Storm

"I see now"-Star

Star then turned around to the fighting adult creature and this just made her angry then she was an hour ago.


April and Adam soon then fell silent since they knew not to make Star mad. An hour ago before they started their mission Star was absolutely in no mood or for jokes. Every creature was confused on what happen even Storm, but Star just told them it was nothing and that she needed some air.

"(Sigh) (Whisper) you take Adam and I'll take April"-Star


Then Star handed Storm a small little bomb.

"Drake told me to give this to you. You know what to do. April and I will be behind you and Adam if anything happens"-Star

"Alright...can y-"-Storm


Star and Storm then turned their heads and saw Adam on top of April and April looked like she wanted to kill Adam. Star then turned around to see a few male creature have spotted them.

"IT'S THEM"-???


"Great well know I see why they always get caught"-Star

Then some male humans outside started aiming at them.

"(Protect) Storm and Adam get in the building, me and April will cover you"-Star

"Are you sure?"-Storm

"Positive now go"-Star

"Alright be careful"-Storm

"You too"-Star

Then Star undo her protect and jumped down and started attacking with her scythe and April was blasting some auras toward the men. Storm and Adam took this distraction to get inside the building. Once they were inside the building Storm ducked down toward a bubbling machine, not longer then Adam came behind and Storm grabbed him.

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