Chapter 5- A Carnival Attack!!!

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Last time on Our Promise, Star and the other agents went and visit Star's parents gravestone, and Star had found an unusual bracelet, one has never seen before. 

It has been 2 weeks since the tragedies and Star room is getting prepared, but for now Star is still rooming in with Storm. It was the morning and Star woke up to noises outside. Storm on the other hand was in his bathroom changing out of his pajamas and changing to his normal clothes. Star decided to get up and see what was all the noise.

"(What time is it)"-Star

Star checked the clock and it said it was 9 in the morning. 

"(That early what could all this noise be coming from)"-Star 

Star got out of bed and rubbed her eyes and went to check out of Storm's window. Outside was a carnival and Star could see a huge Ferris wheel that stood as the spotlight of the whole thing. 

"(A carnival I've never seen that Ferris wheel here before)"-Star 

"Shocked as I was when I saw this my first time"-Storm 

Star turned around to see Storm with his clothes on and his hair was wet. He used his hand to push his hair out of the way which made Star turned the opposite way and covered her mouth.

"You okay"-Storm 

"Y-yea I'm fine, but what with the F-Ferris wheel and the carnival"-Star 

"Well it's a tradition or that's what Drake said. Basically every year this huge Ferris wheel pops up and it's rare for everyone to ride it. Then when midnight hits the Ferris wheel disappears until next year."-Storm 

"But why would you have a carnival then"-Star 

"I actually don't know I guess it fits well with the Ferris wheel any way I was thinking maybe if you like though to like go and check the place out"-Storm 

"(Gasp) I would be honored"-Star 

"Great then why don't you get ready and I'll tell the others that we are going to check out the carnival"-Storm 


Storm went to the living room where all the agents and his brother was sitting and talking. The adults and teens were having coffee while Raymond was having orange juice. 

"Good morning Storm where Star"-Brooke

"She's getting ready"-Storm 

"WHAT, but it's like 9 in the morning does she always sleep that late"-Adam 

That comment got Adam a nice deadly glare from every creature. 

"Anyway I was thinking that today is the Ferris wheel"-Storm 

"You mean the magic Ferris wheel"-April 

"Yea I was thinking since Star was so mesmerized by it I wanted to take her to check it out"-Storm 

"Like a date"-Raymond

"RAYMOND NO!!! Where do you get all these bloody ideas little brother"-Storm 

"I'm your brother I'm suppose to know"-Raymond

"I don't know Storm you both are too little to go by yourselves"-Brooke

"We'll be careful plus Star needs to get her mind from all the "things" that had happen"-Storm

"I don't know dear are you alright with this "-Brooke 

"I don't see why not. Just please be careful and watch over Star she hasn't got the use to her powers yet"-Drake 


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