Chapter 17- Taunting

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"Come on Storm now your chickening out of the battle"-Xavier 

Storm just pass by and ignored the comment. After first period class half of the class heard about the little "fight" with Xavier and Storm and thought that there was going to be a real ordeal, but for Storm he just simply told them that it wasn't true and that he was not going to fight Xavier. Xavier heard that there wasn't going to be a fight so ever since 1st period Xavier was now teasing Storm on how he was a coward and how Storm was chickening out. 

"(Why do they think that I was actually doing it. Star forbid me and I can't betray Star)"-Storm 

Storm then saw Star talking to Pink, Flare, and Blake and decided he need to let out some stress and Star was the only creature he needed to talk too. 

"Did you finish though because I didn't"-Blake

"How did you not finish"-Pink 

"Pardon me females, but can I talk to Star alone for a while"-Storm 

"Oh I see (Whisper) just so you know I need pictures"-Flare

"Flare you bloody git don't be so obnoxiously weird"-Star   

"(Weird Giggle)"-Flare

(Sweat drop)"-Everyone

"See you both at lunch"-Blake 

"See you at second period"-Pink 

"Bye lovebirds"-Flare

Pink grabbed Flare by the hand and dragged her away from Star and Storm. 

"Storm I apologize for Flare's little mind she-"-Star 

Star then looked at Storm who looked a little stress and angry.

"Storm is something troubling you darling"-Star 

"...let's talk about it outside where no creature could see us"-Storm 

"...I know somewhere"-Star 

Star then grabbed Storm's hand and dragged him outside and spread her wings. Storm followed with his wings spread out as well. Soon Star landed on the school's rooftop followed by Storm afterword. 

"Star what is this place"-Storm 

"It's the school rooftop. The teacher and principal would not mind us up here since I did get permission to be up here"-Star 

"You told them and they are alright with it"-Storm 

"Indeed I usually go here if I need to calm down or just enjoy the peaceful tranquility of the sun"-Star 

"It is indeed peaceful"-Storm 

"Storm what is it that you wanted to tell me? You seem upset"-Star 


"What did he do"-Star

"He called me a chicken and a coward ever since I concealed the "thing" that happen this morning"-Storm 

"Oh Storm I'm sorry that you had to go through this it's just that I don't want you to get hurt"-Star 

"I know and I tried to ignore it, but Xavier is just getting to my limit"-Storm 

"Do you want me to talk to him about it"-Star 

"No I don't want you to"-Storm 

"You can come with me after all this is my fault to blame...I told you not to go"-Star 

"Star this wasn't your fault I was the one who acted foolishly and yelled and caused this mess"-Storm 


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