Chapter 16- "Are you jealous"

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"Star don't you think it would be fun"-Rowen

"Pardon Rowen"-Star 

Star, Storm, and Rowen are now heading to their first period class. Rowen trying to catch up to Star and bugging her why she doesn't want to go while Storm was a little bit far from them since he kind of feel a little uncomfortable about these kind of question and was also thinking something as well.

"I mean the dance. Have you ever gone to a party"-Rowen


Star stopped and thought for a moment. She did when she was 6 and it was the last time she would ever go to a  party. Her family was invited to come to a house party and all age was invited. There was drinking and gambling and dancing, and a lot of grown-up stuff for her own 6 years old body to handle. To all the noise and wild humans and creatures there were barely any little human and creatures and Star being the shy little blob she is she didn't interact with any of them.

"Uh Star"-Storm 

Star snapped out of her little flashback and saw Rowen and Storm each with a puzzle look on their face. 

"You good Star"-Rowen 

"Uh...I'm alright just the thought of parties zones me out"-Star 

"Really why"-Rowen 

"...uh bad memories"-Star 

"Oh okay"-Rowen 

Star, Rowen, and Storm were now in the classroom and took their seats. Star and Storm sit next to each other while Rowen sat in front of them. Soon some students started coming in and so was some creature else. 

"Star my flower"-Xavier 

"(Sigh) (mumble)Xavier"-Star 

"I haven't seen you for the past 2 days where were you"-Xavier 

Xavier placed a hand in front of Star and looked at his nails like he was trying to play this cool bad boy move, but for Star well she didn't seem amuse. Storm on the other hand wanted to punched the male creature, but kept his composure. 

"Do you need something Xavier"-Star 

"Well like you know my answer to my request"-Xavier 

"(Why can't he be the one to get hit with a book?) I indeed have an answer for your request"-Star 

"let me guess it's finally a yes"-Xavier 

"Absolutely...NOT"-Star (BURN XD)


"What?! Come on Star I mean I rejected a bunch of female creatures just for you"-Xavier 

"Well I hope it's not to late to ask them back because no matter what it will always be a NO"-Star 

"Come on please"-Xavier

Xavier was now grabbing Star's hand and Star was getting really uncomfortable. This was the last straw for Storm and Rowen could see it. Rowen knew that drama was going to go down. 

"(Well at least the teacher isn't here yet. We have until 20 minutes before class starts)"-Rowen 

"Please I promise-"-Xavier 

"I beg your pardon, but my dear said no"-Storm

Storm grabbed Star's arm and pulled it away from Xavier's hand. Star could just only blush while Storm glared at Xavier which Xavier was glaring back. 

"Who are you calling "My dear". She's not yours"-Xavier

"And she's not yours either"-Storm

"Listen Storm I don't know what you are up to, but I'm going to protect Star from you"-Xavier

"Xavier, Storm please calm down both of you"-Star 

Both didn't pay any attention to the 16 year old female creature trying to soothe them from starting a real ordeal. They just kept on glaring at each other. Star then gave a worried look to Rowen and Rowen returned one back. 

"I've told you Xavier I am not hiding anything from Star"-Storm 

"Uh-huh like I would believe you. I know Star since she came to this school"-Xavier 

"I knew Star since she was 8"-Storm 

"(This is getting intense, Storm might actually attack Xavier)"-Rowen 

"(Oh this must come to an end before class starts)"-Star 

"You are definitely trying to test me"-Xavier 

"I would say the same and if you would like to battle me then why not after when school comes to an end"-Storm 

"Bring it. I'll kick that British accent out of you right off"-Xavier

"We'll see what will happen"-Storm 


Storm and Xavier turned around to see Star with a glare.

"Xavier go back to your seat and Storm please sit down"-Star 

Storm sat down, but Xavier just stood there like the stern face was for Storm, but it was indeed for both of them.

"Xavier I will not say it again and unless you were bloody distracted to what happen this morning I will not hesitate to do what I did to Ginger to you"-Star 

 Xavier then begrudgingly went to his seat and Star took a deep breath and sat down.

"Storm are you alright"-Star 


"I know what you did was a little too extreme, but I'm glad you came to my defense"-Star 

Star then grabbed Storm's hand and held onto it tightly. 

"I-I apologize for my behavior I-I didn't mean to go that far it's just that-"-Storm 

"It's alright Storm I forgive you, but you are not going to fight Xavier unless it is combat class that is an exception"-Star 

"(Sigh) I suppose"-Storm 

"Woah Storm you seem jealous that Xavier asked Star to the dance (cough) more then 20 times (cough)"-Rowen 

 "Jealous? W-well I wanted to protect Star and well that's what I did"-Storm 

Storm then looked at Star who was now focused on a book she brought. Star then looked up from her book and looked at Storm. 

"Did something happen? I apologize I was reading"-Star 

"Yea like Storm was jea-"-Rowen 

Storm then covered Rowen's mouth with a little bit of magic and looked at Rowen with a little glare. 

"Alright Rowen I uh guess then"-Star

Star then went back to her book and Storm undid the spell.

"Apologies Rowen, but I don't want Star to know that I was jealous"-Storm 

"Why though"-Rowen

"Well I mean then I will make her worry and that will make me feel guilty"-Storm 

"Ah I see, but like (whisper) are you going to ask her to the dance"-Rowen

Storm then looked at Star who paid no attention since she was too intrigued on her book then listen to Rowen and Storm's conversation. 

"(Blush) Uh...well um I-I don't know.(Maybe this can be her first time to a party in a long time and maybe I can tell her how much she means to me)"-Storm 


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