Chapter 22-Something Unusual

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~Dinner time~

Every creature was sitting in the dining room eating dinner except Star who was still in her room "resting" that what the doctor said. A while back before dinner was made Storm took a shower and fixed himself up. When he was done though he stayed in his room and sometimes look at the door that opens to Star's room, Storm knew he was not suppose to go in while Doctor Azura was healing Star, but the suspense was killing him. Soon after his "1 hour rant" he decided to go outside to see Adam, April, Shadow, and Shade outside in the living room while Brooke and Drake made dinner. Now it was dinner time and Drake invited Doctor Azura to eat so he could get his strength back. Adam and April knew what was going on because of Drake and Brooke, but they were told not to tell Shadow and Shade especially Shade.

"...where is big sister Star"-Shade

"...uh she is well um...she is resting"-Drake

"But she is missing dinner can I wake her up"-Shade

"NO I mean um...Shade your sister has lots of work and she was tired and so it's best we don't um...disturb her"-Brooke

"Why are you guys stuttering a lot"-Shade

"Yea it's like they are hiding something from us"-Shadow

"Heheh yea how amusing"-Adam

While every creature was nervously giggling at the two younger ones Storm was blanked out not listening to anything they said.


Storm snapped back into reality and looked at his nephew who had a confused look on his face.

"Y-yes Shadow"-Storm

"Are you okay uncle? You look sad"-Shadow

" I'm alright Shadow just tired you know I'm not getting any younger am I"-Storm

"No, no your not"-Adam


"Adam he meant that as a rhetorical question"-April

"I-I was...indeed I was um...I better go to bed I'm a l-little tired"-Storm

"Alright then good night"-Brooke

"Good night brother"-Raymond

"Good night uncle"-Shadow

"Good night"-Every creature else

While Storm was walking down the hall he couldn't help but feel like a presence was here. Someone he hated. Quickly he locked himself in his room and hear some evil laughing. It was of course the creature that made him want to rip apart his own self.


"(Evil laughter) Oh my angel that was hilarious hahaheh splendid job of hurting the creature you love"-???

"...I didn't mean too"-Storm

"Didn't mean too (evil laughter) that's a joke (evil laughter)"-???

"Why are you even here and what do you mean it was a joke"-Storm

"Oh my the Dark Angel doesn't even know what he did wrong HAHA well that is new to the descendant's of Dark Angel"-???

"I know what I did wrong I hurt...the only creature...I care about"-Storm

"That's correct and you should know the Dark Angel's descendants never did that to their loved ones"-???


Storm was now mad actually scratched that he was infuriated. This mysterious figure that looks exactly like him was now trying to make him angry then he already is.

"Temper now Storm you know very well what happens when your emotions get the better of you and then there is no Star to help save your sorry soul"-???

"(He's right Star is always the one to snap me back to reality...I can't let my anger get the better of me not when she is still healing)"-Storm

Knock Knock

Storm froze by his door, the one that connects to Star's room being knocked. Storm quickly looked back to see the mysterious figure gone and then went to open the door.

"Doctor Azura"-Storm

"Sorry Storm, but I heard you shout. Are you okay?"-Doctor Azura

"I'm alright Doctor"-Storm

"...Alright then...are you and Star close"-Doctor Azura

"Indeed why is that"-Storm

"...I'm not suppose to tell you this or any creature, but can you keep a secret"-Azura

"Of course"-Storm

"Come with me"-Azura

Doctor Azura led Storm to Star's room. Once Storm stepped in he immediately was stunned. Star was still unconscious with some bandages on her face and body. There was a machine right next to her bed and there was a small tube attached to her wrist to the machine.

"Is she"-Storm

"She is fine, but to be honest..."-Azura

Doctor Azura took off his rubber gloves and threw them, making it into the trash can.

"There's nothing I could do"-Azura


"Storm let me explain look closely at Star"-Azura

Storm was confused and angry at the same time. What does Doctor Azura mean when he said that he couldn't do anything. Storm leaned closer to the wounds on Star. Some were bandage up and some were not. The small scars were open and Storm guessed that the big wounds are all bandage up. Storm was still confused as to why Doctor Azura wanted him to look at, I mean there was just scraps and scars and...


Storm saw something that he never seen before. Even though it was very faint he saw tiny little sparkles forming around the little cuts and scars on Star's body, then the sparkles disappear and the scars and cuts that were surrounded by the sparkles were gone.


"Surprising isn't it I saw it too when I told you all to leave. When I saw it though I didn't actually think that anything like this could happen."-Azura

"Is she okay though will she live"-Storm

"She's okay my estimates is that she will be awake and healthy in 2 or 3 days"-Doctor Azura

"Okay...wonderful...wait you said that you can't do anything, why did you say that?"-Storm

"Because it is true I can't do anything"-Doctor Azura


Storm punched Doctor Azura on the head A/N:(Cough) (Just to let you kids out there know never do that to your doctor)

"OW Storm what in the holy-"-Doctor Azura


Brooke and Drake burst through the door to see Storm facing towards the window with a angry expression like those 3 curves that form when the anime character gets mad or salty or jealous, and Doctor Azura on the ground.

"...What happen here"-Drake

"Nothing...(a-hem)I should continue healing her now"-Azura

"Right we will leave now"-Brooke

"And I will be heading to bed...goodnight every creature"-Storm

"Goodnight Storm"-Brooke, Drake, and Doctor Azura

Once Storm left to his room and closed the door, he crawled onto his bed and covered himself up. Even though he was all set in bed, he couldn't sleep at all he thought about Star and the magic sparkles.

"(What could that be about? How is Star able to do that?)"-Storm

All these questions were bubbling around his head and they were still in his head as he drifted off to sleep.


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