Chapter 14- Brother Talk

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The next morning after the whole mission problem, Storm woke up to see Star still sleeping. 

"(Right we have school...well at least I have school with Star. It won't be so bad after all)"-Storm 

Storm got up and decided to wake Star up later and got ready for the day. Once he opened his door and made his way toward the dining room he was a little token back to see Raymond there. 

"Brother what a surprise. Why and when did you get here"-Storm 

"I got here last night after I heard about the mission and why I am here is to see if your alright"-Raymond 

"I see so are you just saying hi and leaving or is there something that you have that you want to hold in"-Storm 

Raymond just stood shocked while Storm just smirked. 

"You know you are a bloody git sometimes brother"-Raymond

"I been told such"-Storm 

"Well if you want look at what I have brother"-Raymond 

Storm then looks at what Raymond was holding. It was a picture of Storm and Star sleeping together. Storm just simply blushed hard. 


"I took it last night. You two look quite cute together brother"-Raymond


"Spying...more like sneaking brother come on you have to admit you two have been friends for a while when are you going to bloody tell her"-Raymond

"(Sigh)I don't know yet I want Star to know-"-Storm 

"Know what Storm"-Star  

Storm quickly turned around to see Star with a confused expression and in a brand new pair of clothes. Storm just blushed again and Raymond had a smirk on his face. 

"Uh-uh nothing my dear"-Storm 

"Are you sure you seem a little red in the face Storm darling"-Star

"Yea brother you seem a little red in the face"-Raymond 

"(Mouthed) I'm gonna kill you later"-Storm 

Raymond just shrugged and then laughed a little. 

" I disturbing something I-I'll leave"-Star 

"Actually no your not it's just Raymond seems to be a nuisance right now"-Storm 

"Oh well um...I need to go wake up the little ones don't kill each other"-Star 

"I'll try not to"-Storm 

Once Star left the dinning room Storm gave a death glare to Raymond who seem to be enjoying the awkwardness with the two. Storm then chased after Raymond who seem to now have ran away with the photo in hand. They soon ran passed Star who seemed confused, but then giggled a little. 

"(Those two are something)"-Star 

While Star went into the little ones room Storm finally chased down Raymond and was now sitting on top of Raymond with Raymond trying to keep the photo from Storm's reach. 

"Raymond give that to me"-Storm 

"haha never brother this is my treasure"-Raymond 


Storm then snatched the picture out of Raymond's grasp and looked at it. He was actually impressed with the photo and the lighting. 

"Storm get off of me brother"-Raymond

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