Chapter 4-"Goodbye Home"

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Last time on Our Promise, Star, Storm and the others are now getting ready to go back to Star's house for a pack up and good bye. 

Star, Storm, Drake, Brooke, April, Adam, and Raymond are now in a black van driving to Star's house. The entire time April and Adam were arguing, Raymond was giving a smirk to Storm while Storm was giving him the death stare, Drake was driving and Brooke was next to him talking about stuff. The only creature who wasn't talking or making direct eye contact with anyone was Star, she was staring out the window with anger and sadness consuming her. 

"(Oriana. What. Have. You. Done. You don't even deserve to live)"-Star



"You can't Oriana you weren't born with it"-Star's mother


"(about to cry)"-Star 

"Star no your sister didn't mean that at all ORIANA GO TO YOUR ROOM"-Star's father


"NOW"-Star's father 



Flashback ends....

"(was this all because of her and her spoil deeds that I don't have...mother and father)"-Star

"Star were here..."-Storm 


Star got out of the car to see her house having some cracks here and there. 

"(no...why would they do this)"-Star 

"Come on let's go in"-Drake 


As they went inside everything was like it was except the dead bodies, they were gone. Star went up to her room and took out her clothes and Adam gave her some boxes so she can put her stuff away. 

"(Gasp)(my wolf plush)"-Star 


"Star don't be afraid look what I bought"-Star's father


Star's father bought Star a purple wolf with the most adorable face. It was fluffy and soft.

"See look wolves are not that bad, they are like tiny cute dogs just wanting to give you a hug like ME"-Star's father


Flashback ends... 

"...(tiny little dogs)"-Star 

Star held that plush for the longest time and went on to her mother and father room where the two couple hold artifacts and ancient history. Star went on searching for memories when all of a sudden Star saw something gleaming. She opened the drawer and saw the most beautiful bracelet ever. It was a gold bracelet and in the middle was a large purple star. Star took it out and saw something on the back, it was a note. It said: "My dearest granddaughter I believe it is time for you to take this and hold it with great power. This is the gem of courage, the most powerful thing you can ever have. With this power you will use it for good or for bad. It is your choice and who knows maybe one day you will give this to your children as well. Use it well and use it wisely. Love Grandma Moon."

"(Who is grandma talking to it could be me or it could be...sister, but whoever it is I'm holding this until I find who it truly belongs, but I can't just...I need to hide it somewhere)"-Star 

"Star is everything alright"-Storm 

"h-huh ye-yea I-I'm fine"-Star 

Star hid the bracelet behind her back and while she was talking to Storm, the gem all of a sudden glowed, but neither Storm or Star notice. 

"Are you going to be okay I mean after this we need to see your mother and father's grave"-Storm 

"I-I would probably like to be left alone and stuff, but I-I'll be...okay"-Star 

Star and Storm knew very well that Star would not be okay, but Storm would not push into any detail, because being the gentleman that he is, it would be rude to do that to a female creature. 

"Alright well uh need any help"-Storm

"N-no you c-can tell the others I-I'll be do-down in 5 m-minutes"-Star 


Once Storm left the room Star went and found a portrait of her mother and father on their wedding day. Star hesitated and grabbed the picture and put it in the box so she can remember them. After taking all her belongings she went downstairs and their was everyone waiting for her.

"You done"-Brooke


"Alright I think we need to go to one more place before heading back"-Drake 


"(whisper)Star looks a lot like her father, but has eyes like her mother"-Drake

"(whisper)I couldn't agree more dear"-Brooke

Once everyone got into the car Star looked at her house one last time and gave a sad sigh. Drake told her that her house will be used as a crime scene and after the crime is done, they will burn it down since the place was very old. Soon Star and the others went to a old cemetery where their was a lot of gravestones and flowers. Raymond decided to stay in the car since graveyards give him the creeps and Brooke stayed with Raymond to keep in eye on him. Star was lost trying to find her parent when she saw the gravestones. The two gravestones where her parents were. Their were flowers and a scratch on both of the gravestones. Star knew that scratch, she saw it once.


"IT'S MINE"-Oriana

"NO IT'S MINE"-A human girl 



Little Star saw it all Oriana scratched the poor human girl on the cheek and it looked really painful. Everyone rushed over to check up on the poor little human while she was crying her eyes out. The teacher was calling the ambulance and the police and Oriana was giving an evil grin, a very sinister grin that only Star notice. Star knew very well that the toy was the poor girl and the little girl's family was very poor and of course Oriana having the rich life she could buy like 10 or even 20 of the exact toy, but she had to take that one toy to tease the poor girl. In the end Star's family got in major trouble and Star tried to talk to the girl, but she was afraid of her as well. The girl told her to stay away and leave her alone. 

Flashback ends...

"(Oriana was here, she was here, SHE WAS HERE)"-Star

Star quickly kneel down on to her parent's grave, tears were pouring onto her eyes, hot tears, and Star was crying like she has never cried before. She was devastated. Storm kneeled down with her and put his arm around Star as he closed his eyes and remember his father pass away as well. 


In the car where all of Star's belongings and treasures were covered one particular thing glowed, it glowed feeling a powerful energy, an energy that no one or creature has ever heard or seen of before. 


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