Chapter 31-The Dance Part 1 of 3

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"Alright every creature looking good"-Jerimiah 

It was the next after school day and it was time for Pink, Storm, John, Flare, Blake, Rowen, Joseph, Star, and the leadership group to finish the decoration. Jerimiah was helping with the decoration with the other creature since they were all doing something then afterwords they needed to head into the kitchen to bake all the sweets for the dance.

"How do you like creature school so far Storm. I never got the chance to ask you this question considering we were in quite some challenges"-Star 

"Well it's not that bad honestly, but I know that any school will be excellent if there some creature like you there"-Storm 

"That's really thoughtful of you Storm"-Star 

"Heh (blush) well I mean"-Storm 

"Hey you two are you done"-Jerimiah

"Indeed we are"-Storm 

"Does it work"-John 

" be honest we are not quite sure"-Star 


"HUH?!/PARDON"-Flare, Blake, and Star

"Yea girl photo Sariah get in here"-Pink 


"YEA YOU"-Pink

Pink pushed Flare, Blake, Sariah, and Star into the photo machine. 

"Girls this is a memory so we must keep this come on start it"-Pink 


The 4 female creatures and Blake started smiling well Star tried to smile, but she kinda just smirked since she was annoyed that she was shoved into a photo machine. The other female creature and Blake posed like crazy while Star looked at all of them confused. Soon the photo machine was done and the female creature and Blake checked how they looked.

"Oh my angels we look awesome"-Pink 

"Yea we do"-Flare

"Heh yea we kinda do"-Blake 


"Are you alright my dear"-Storm 

"Well I was shoved into a machine so I quite confuse"-Star

"May I see how they look"-Storm 


Star handed the photo to Storm and when he looked he simply smiled. 

"You look lovely my dear"-Storm 

"I wouldn't say Storm. I look rather um...odd"-Star

"Star my dear you are not at all like that. You are beautiful and nothing will change that"-Storm 

Star hid her face with her hand. 

"That's lovely to hear"-Star

"(Muffled laugh)"-???

Storm and Star turned around to see every creature, Blake and Rowen snickering or trying to hold onto their laugh. Star and Storm looked at them with confused look. 

"Are you all alright"-Star 



"Beg your pardon"-Star


"A-hem we should start making all the treats"-Storm 

Our Promise-The BeginningDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora