Chapter 18-A New Legend

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Last time on Our Promise, Xavier was now in huge trouble with the headmaster and Star and Storm is now rushing to History class.

"Ah Mr. Waterford and Miss.Crown there you two are"-Miss Lead

"Apologies Miss Lead we had to see the headmaster"-Star

"Alright then you two go sit down, we are about to start a new legend"-Miss. Lead

"(A new legend what could it be)"-Star

"Today we will learn about the Dark Angel's lover and you all may ask why this is so important"-Miss Lead


"The Dark Angel's Lover is very important even though she was not important as the Dark Angel, but she was the first ever angel that loved the Dark Angel. The Dark Angel's lover was actually called Luna Moon."-Miss Lead

"Wait Luna Moon what kind of weird name is that"-Student

"It may sound weird, but those kinds of names are very special because it represents who they are and what they are destined to be. Now Luna Moon back then was very beautiful, so beautiful that every male creature in the village wanted her to be their only wife."-Miss. Lead

"Wait Miss. Lead how did Luna Moon die then"-Student

"She probably died of old age or something"-Flare

"Yea that can actually be true"-Class

"Not exactly class she died because she hated something and that was her beauty"-Miss. Lead


Star just sighed and decided to grab a piece of paper and decide to draw.

"how can you hate how she was. She is crazy"-Pink

"YEA"-Class except Star and Storm

"Now class settle down I know that what I told you would be...trash, but you see Luna Moon is very beautiful, but she didn't like how beautiful she was. Luna wanted to be loved for herself not for her beauty, but what she was inside. She died to a female creature who pushed her off a cliff when she was watching the sunset."-Miss. Lead

"Wow that must have been some jealousy going on then"-John

"Indeed Mr. Speed lots of female creatures craved the attention from the male creatures in the village, but all the male creatures seem to love Luna Moon instead and paid no attention to the other"-Miss. Lead

"So what happened Miss. Lead"-Flare

Everyone in the class was now interested except Star who was still drawing. Storm was interested as well, but he tried his best not to show it.

"Well after Luna Moon's death she was of course sent to Heaven and that is where the legend started for the Dark Angel's lover. Luna Moon was different of course she cared for the Dark Angel and protect him with her dead life"-Miss. Lead

"Did she still have her beauty"-Pink

"Yep she still did, but she was not at all happy with it, but the Dark Angel and 5 very close friends that she made in Heaven always make sure that there was more than beauty to get a male human and creature to fall in love"-Miss. Lead

"AW"-female creature

The male creature though gagged except Storm because he knew it was rude and disrespectful for the class. Star though just kept on drawing and soon drew some nice looking eyes.

"When she and the Dark Angel was assigned a mission to go back to the real world, God heard of how Luna Moon didn't like her beauty, but God couldn't just simply take that away God created each and every human and creature to be unique so when Luna and the Dark Angel landed on the real world God placed something for Luna Moon and that was very unique hair."-Miss Lead

"Wow what kind of unique are we talking about Miss. Lead"-Student

"Well I'm not sure, but all I could remember was shiny, flowing or flying without any wind, has a middle streak of their destined color, and....purple"-Miss. Lead

Every creature turned around to where Star was sitting and Star looked up.

"Is every creature alright"-Star

"...A-hem alright class I have some worksheets so..."-Miss. Lead

At Lunchtime, Star and Storm was sitting with her friends and they were all discussing about the topic well except for Blake and Rowen who had no idea what was going on.

"Star you could be Luna Moon"-Flare

"I don't think such"-Star

"Star look at your hair it's unique and shiny and it's flying without any breeze"-Pink

"There could be some weird things, but that doesn't mean..."-Star

"What are you guys talking about"-Blake

"Miss. Lead thought us a whole new lesson about the Dark Angel's lover and well the lover was named Luna Moon and everything, but like what makes this more interesting is that Star could be Luna Moon"-Pink

"Might. If I may correct you Pink"-Star

"Nope it's a positive"-Pink

"So like is Luna Moon a Goddess or something"-Rowen

"...we don't know, but Miss. Lead also said something about 5 friends and protecting and stuff"-Joseph

"I thought she said something about Protectors of the Jewel whatever that means"-John

"Star Crown as Luna Moon that could be I mean look at her"-???

All of them turned around to see some male creatures talking about it.

"Dude she's looking this way"-???

"Hey Star"-???

Then one of them winked directly at her and that just made Star turned around and ignored them, but Storm gave them a silent death glare before turning around.

"(Whisper) are you alright"-Storm

"(whisper) I feel uncomfortable about the legend"-Star

"(Whisper) I guess you know how I feel now because I'm "you know"-Storm

"(whisper) right, but you can handle it I just faced it right now"-Star

"(whisper) we'll talk more at home alright"-Storm

"(whisper) alright"-Star

"Maybe we can also get some smoothies or ice-cream before we head home"-Storm

"That would sound lovely"-Star

"Oh I see Storm's asking you out on a date"-Flare

"(I forgot that they are here)"-Star


"Woah you two gonna go together alone"-Pink

Star just had a sweat drop.

"Why do I have some bloody friends like this"-Star

"Come on Star you know that we are all weird"-Blake

"(Sigh) I couldn't agree more Blake"-Star

"Well it's almost time to go to combat guys we should get going"-John



Once everyone got up and said good byes to Blake and Rowen they all headed to Combat.


A/N: The reason why they called themselves creatures is because thats how they call people in their language.

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