Chapter 9- Little troublemakers

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In a daycare not to far Leadwood High School two young male creature at the age of 4 was waiting for some creature. 

"Calm down Thunder he's probably late"-???

A young male creature with yellow hair and brown eyes was standing next to another creature with black hair and blue eyes. His black hair was in a ponytail.

"Yea, but Shadow it's always like this. All ways, all ways, all ways"-The young creature with yellow hair

"Calm down Thunder hey Shade is outside lets go outside and play with him"-Shadow


At the playground was a little young male creature at the age of 4 as well was playing something. The little male creature has shiny black hair and dark cyan eyes. 

"Hey Shade"-Shadow

"Hey Shadow, hey Thunder"-Shade

"What are you doing"-Shadow

"Well I wasn't doing anything, but since you guys are here lets play ninjas, pirates, and wizards"-Shade


Thunder, Shade, and Shadow was playing when a car pulled up and a teen male creature came running quickly towards the trio. 


"Big brother John"-Thunder

"Thunder I am so sorry the teacher had an issue and everything"-John 

"Bro I want you to met my friends Shade and Shadow"-Thunder

"Hello there"-John 


Shade just stayed silent. 

"Alright fun is over lets go home now"-John 

"Alright bye guys"-Thunder 

"Bye Thunder"-Both 

It was Saturday and almost all the teen creature from Leadwood High School was going around shopping and talking. 

"(Sigh) I'm sad, I can't believe Star said no to shopping"-Flare

"Well doesn't Star say that a lot"-John 

"Yea, but like at least one time she comes with us"-Flare

"Yea that will be like a 10% out of like 100%"-Pink 

"I wonder what she's doing"-Joseph 


"Well I have at least one question: Why are we guys here?"-Rowen 


"Well duh you guys have to be here to hold the bags of course"-Blake 

"Why and how did you convince us to do this"-Rowen 

"Your my boyfriend of course"-Blake 

Whoops forgot to say Blake and Rowen are dating (Not guilty)

"(Sigh) well lets- whoops sorry little dude"-Rowen 

"Move I need to find big sister"-???

"Woah little creature we didn't mean to upset you"-John 

"I said move"-???

"Hey guys what's going on"-???


Xavier had his hands in his pocket and was standing with a "chill" pose.

"We're dealing with a little creature"-Joseph

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