Birthday Special/ 1 year anniversary

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"Are they almost here"-Pink

"Shh Pink be quiet they might come through the door"-John

"I can't believe this"-Blake

"Me either our creator is getting older. I'm so proud"-Collin 

"You know Collin getting older is not exactly something to be proud of"-Rowen

"It is actually Rowen. Soon she will get a job, then learn how to drive, then learn how to be a smart human"-Collin 

"It's actually surprising to know that out creator is a human. I thought she would be a bird or something"-Flare

"Really a bird"-Joseph

"Oh be quiet Joseph you as well were surprised"-Flare

"In all honesty we all were"-Storm


"Hey Storm when is your lover and our creator coming"-Lily 


"(snicker)"-Pink and Flare

"Flare and Pink did you both tell the Two Worlds One Adventure cast lies"-Storm 

"What Storm we did no such thing"-Pink 

"Yea whatever do you mean"-Flare

"(Sigh) Well to inform you all Alphenians me and Star are not lovers. We are good friends"-Storm 

"Yea like Matthew and Elizabeth over here"-Wilder

"HEY"-Matthew and Elizabeth

"Oh are they a couple"-Blake 

"No, but they could be"-Lily 

"Yea they could"-Sky 

"Alright every creature and Alphenians this is not a couple celebration this is a birthday and anniversary celebration"-Annora

"I wonder what speech the creator has for her writer channel"-Mitchell

"Same. She has a lot of good speech"-Lily 

"SSHH Guys I see Star and the creator coming this way"-Pink 

"Every creature and Alphenians hide"-Sky 

~All hide and turned off the lights~

Open Door

"Why is my office lights off and the windows closed"-???

"I wonder master"-Star




"Every creature and Alphenians that I have created over the years what a surprise"-Me

"That's right master even though you are a human you still are our family no matter what I mean you did created us"-Pink 

"Yea and there is no way that we would be here if you didn't"-Matthew

"That is very sweet every one of you, but more importantly did you look at my future work"-Me

"Don't worry master I made sure no creature, human, or Alphenian touches your personal belongings"-Storm 

"Thank you...each and every one of you for this special occasion truly I am grateful"-Me 

"No problem master"-Joseph

"Yea/Indeed without you master, we wouldn't have our book series"-Collin and Star 

"Well you both are my main characters for Our Promise Series and Two World One Adventure"- Me 

"Hey master before we celebrate this awesome party can you tell us what your planning in the future"-Blake 


"(giggle) Of course why not"-Me 

(Spoiler for future book) (Beware) 

"And I thought your just some regular human. I can't sense your thoughts and you seem ineffective to my statics"-???

"My thoughts are my own and your statics have no effect on me. I'm much stronger than you think I am"-???

"Prove it bet you can't take us all down"-???

"Is that a challenge. I'm more than happy to demonstrate. Humans do have such a short life."-???   

"So what's your story"-???


"Yea you know your past"-???

"I don't recall"-???


"I can't seem to remember anything from my past. I never knew about my parents or anything"-???

"Wait can I um I want to"-???

"(Sigh) (kiss cheek)"-???


(End of Spoiler) 

"Wow that was a good little trailer"-Pink 

"Indeed though I myself is quite excited who these characters are"-Storm 

"You will see in the near future"-Me



A/N: I want to say to each and everyone of you thank you all so much for this wonderful adventure. This has been the worst and happiest moments of my life and I'm really excited to see what the future has for this Wattpad. Again thank you all for this I love each and everyone of you and I hope that if anyone who's having trouble at school or anything in general that these books help you through it all. 

 Happy Birthday and Happy Anniversary to Me and this Channel!!!

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