Chapter 25-"Something is not right"

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"(Whisper) Storm, Storm wake up"-???

"w-wha h-huh"-Storm 

"Good you woke up"-???

"Doctor Azura what are you doing here? Most importantly why are you up"-Storm 

"Shh keep your voice I don't want to wake the others up"-Azura 

"What is wrong"-Storm 

"It's better if I show you"-Azura 

It was like 2 or 3 in the morning and whatever Doctor Azura was waking him up for was better be something important. 

"(I better be awake at school tomorrow or else I'm going to punch Doctor Azura for this)"-Storm

Once Doctor Azura and Storm went into Star's room it took Storm time to see what was going on considering he was still in dream land, but once he was snapped out of "dream land" he saw something that he wish was a dream. Star was sprawled on her bed kicking her bed sheets, she was mumbling things that were barely audible and had some teardrops forming from her closed eyes. 

"(Oh. My. Angels!) STAR! STAR! ARE YOU AWAKE! SPEAK TO ME!"-Storm 

"Storm keep your voice down. You'll wake every creature up"-Doctor Azura 

"What going on with Star"-Storm 

"Well I'm no mind reader, but I think she's having a nightmare"-Doctor Azura 

"If she's having a nightmare wouldn't she wake up"-Storm 

"I said I think. I'm not 100 percent sure if its true"-Doctor Azura 

"Did she wake up or anything"-Storm 

"She did well barely before I told her to rest and take it easy"-Doctor Azura 

"Then why is she acting like this"-Storm 

"(Sigh) I don't know Storm, but all I'm going to say is that I need to go to a special pharmacy for some supplies and I need you to watch Star while I'm gone"-Doctor Azura 

Storm didn't even respond, he just continuously stared at the terrified Star. 

"...alright just don't whatever you do touch any of the monitors, she still healing"-Doctor Azura 

After that Doctor Azura left, leaving Storm to look after Star. 

"(What's going on? Why is she moving?)"-Storm 

Then Storm took Star's hand that was lying at the end of the bed and held onto it. At first Storm thought that she was not going to respond, but then he felt his grip got tighter as Star was now lying where he could see her. She stopped kicking and the tears were almost completely gone, but her mumbling is still visible. Storm then sat on Star's bed stroking her hair and saying some soothing words to try to calm her down. 

"(softly)It's okay Star, your okay. I'm right here"-Storm 

After a few minutes of stroking her hair, Star finally calmed down and started sleeping peacefully. 

"(What could she be dreaming about)"-Storm 

Storm then sat on Star's bed for the time being until Doctor Azura came back. It took about an hour before Doctor Azura came back with bags full of medicine and bandages. 

"Really what took you so long it's probably 6 or 7 in the morning"-Storm 

Storm would have been more patient and more calm if he had his sleep, but so far he loss maybe 2 or 3 hours of sleep and already he was not happy. 

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