Chapter 28- News and Worries

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"Shade are you alright? Are you doing well?"-Star 

"I'm alright big sis, but you scared me. Don't ever do that again"-Shade

"I apologize Shade"-Star 

It was in the afternoon where every creature knew that Star was awake because of Doctor Azura not being able to keep a secret. Shade and Shadow returned from daycare to hear Star was awake and Shade being the caring brother he is, he ran to Star's room to see Star and Storm talking. 

"Star your okay?!?"-Shadow

"Shadow greetings are you alright"-Star

"I'm alright, but it's more like uncle you should be worried about. He was so scared and was crying and was very silent"-Shadow 

"Alright Shadow that's enough your making me feel weak"-Storm 


"Now you two I think dinner will be ready, so go on and sit at the dinning table"-Storm 

"What about Star"-Shade

"I'll bring her food and I will be staying here to keep an eye on her"-Storm 

"Aw why do you always get to watch Star, Storm"-Shade

"Because I need to make sure she is alright and I know you want to watch her as well Shade, but I apologies, she needs some creature mature enough to handle it"-Storm 

"Fine, but you better not have any funny business with her or else you gonna have to deal with me"-Shade

"Funny business?"-Star 

"'s nothing my dear alright you two lets go"-Storm 

~With Storm~ 

"Storm really though you better not do anything funny"-Shade

"Shade where in the Dark Angel do you get this idea"-Storm 

"From Doctor Azura"-Shade

"Shadow is that true"-Storm 

"Yep uncle"-Shadow

"Well I'm going to have a chat with Doctor Azura after this"-Storm 

Once Storm, Shade, and Shadow made it to the dinning room. 

"Storm, Shade, Shadow glad to see your here. How is Star"-Drake 

"She's healing fine. I'm here to just bring her food and my food"-Storm 

"Your not gonna eat with us"-Adam 

"Rather not. I don't want to leave Star alone"-Storm 

"Alright whatever you say"-Adam 

"What are you thinking Adam"-April 

"What!!! I'm not thinking anything I'm just curious to why he wanted to eat with Star"-Adam 

"You as well as every creature here know why. Storm rather stay with Star the entire day then hang out in the circus"-April 

"A what"-Storm 

"Alright Adam and April seriously why do you guys always fight I don't get it"-Brooke 

"He/She started it"-Both 

"Seriously you both act like you guys are an old married couple"-Shade

"WHAT (Blush)"-Both 

"(Laugh)"-Every creature except Storm 

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