Chapter 26- Inside Star's Mind

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"A-any creature? Is any creature here"-Star

~Star's Thoughts~

Never in my years have I ever been so alone. I feel darkness like there was no hope, no light, no creature to save me. It felt like the Abyss

"Now you know what it feels like huh"-???

That voice no that can't be true I can't be. I can't be Dead


"I know your there...other me"-Star

"Aw, how did you know? Did you miss me"-???

"Not in the slightest"-Star

"Well indeed you never miss me, but enough of the chit chat it seems you are back in my domain again"-???

"Back in your domain, this is my body so without speaking this is my domain that you are trespassing"-Star

"Indeed I am in your body, but I was also here in the very beginning so in further speaking you are trespassing in my domain"-???

"(Growl) what is it that you want? Why am I here?"-Star

"(laughs) You don't know HA you may as well be called Foolish Star"-???


The tension between Star and her mirrored self was unbearable. Her mirrored self stop laughing and was now in raged. 


Star then felt a wave of wind or something pushed her towards a wall. 

"(How in the angels did that get here)"-Star 

Before Star could think her mirrored self was standing next to her face to face. 

"Oh dear Star you have no idea how I can control that pathetic body of yours"-???

Star struggled to get off the wall, but somehow there was a force that was keeping her body close to the wall. Her mirrored self only laugh. 

"Don't even try Star Crown you are stuck in my domain until I tell you to wake up"-???


Star then used her magic and hit her mirrored self in which it dodged. 

"A fight is what you want then a fight you shall get"-???

Her mirrored self aimed a dark purple arura at Star which made her dodge and she then used her magic aura and aimed it at her mirrored self. 


"I'm a part of you Star and you have no idea how important I am to you"-???

"I don't need you. No creature or human need to face some creature as evil as you"-Star 

"Evil! (Laughs) you should see your "friend". He's the evil one"-???

"Beg your pardon?"-Star 

"You should know. The one who took you in ever since you were 8"-???


"Storm huh? That's the name? You should have seen what he done to you"-???

Star then saw her mirrored self hold a sphere shaped aura and Star saw what happen when she was out of control. She saw Storm punching you and every creature looking in horror. 

"(Storm...did this)"-Star 

"Storm is the evil one Star not me. I'm trying to cooperate with you so we can help each other with what we want"-???

"What we want?! More like what you want, if your trying to cooperate with me think again I will never give in to you"-Star 

"But what I just show you was your entire vision. Storm  was the reason you're stuck here"-???

"Strom did what he had to do to help other innocent creatures"-Star 

"Help innocent creature?! What was the snobby creatures name huh? Ginger right? I don't suppose she is so innocent. She tormented you, reticule you, and made you insane. She is not so much innocent as we are"-???

"Even the most meanest of creature can change unlike you. You can't change and if I let you take control you will do nothing, but hurt those of the innocent"-Star 

"Now why would you think that"-???

"You alone should answer that question. I'm not gonna let you take over and hurt those I care and love"-Star 

"So you do have affection for Storm"-???


"Silent huh? Your in denial Star"-???

"Leave him out of this. This is between me and you"-Star 

"Ah, but you see he's the one who put you in this mess so he will be in this whether you like it or dislike it"-???

"(I like to just wake up from this mess. Wake up to see Storm with a smile)"-Star 

"Face it Star everything will be open and you will find out that all creatures and humans are not innocent"-???

"This is just a dream. A dream. You are not real. You are just a nightmare"-Star 

~Star's Mirrored POV~

This female creature is the most stubborn, demanding, forceful Luna Moon Descendant I have  ever seen. Never in my existence have I met some creature who would not give in to the facts of truths. This Storm is an issue and he must be eliminated at once. 

"Star think of this as a warning dream. Everything will come out and you will see what the real world is about"-???

"I don't want to see you. I don't even want to look at you."-Star 

This creature is giving me a headache. How much more can she take? She needs to give in like her descendants before her. She needs to. Why doesn't she understand? I give up for now, but just she wait Star Crown. Just you wait. 

"So be it then"-???

After that entire argument Star's mirrored self disappear and left Star alone in the darkness. 

"(Now what am I going to do. I need to get myself awake?)"-Star

~With Storm~ 

"(Sigh) how is she Doctor Azura"-Storm 

"She is alright. She'll wake up very soon, but keep her in bed for know until her wounds are fully healed"-Doctor Azura 

"I see. She does need her strength"-Storm 

"Also I might want to add that I'm leaving a doctor note for your combat teacher to make sure she doesn't battle too roughly or maybe not at all until the next week that is"-Doctor Azura

"I understand"-Storm 

"Also keep her away from danger. I know you enjoy protecting her from danger so I heard(Smirk)"-Doctor Azura 

"Let me see my brother said that to you"-Storm 

"More like Adam and April"-Doctor Azura 

"I keep her safe and I'll make sure the combat teacher knows not to put her on to much pressure"-Storm 


"She's waking up?!?"-Doctor Azura 



A/N: I apologize for not updating the week before. I was at a camp for a week and was not allowed to bring any internet device, but I am back and ready to update once more. 

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