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The banging and banging was increasing more by the second, was there more zombies coming?! Suddently the zombie opened the door. His brain probably gave him a bit of sence to do something with his dead life. So he decided to open the door. He grabbed Jae. Then as Hope and Karma were screaming and were trying to help Jae. The zombies head was sliced in half with a knife. It was the boy that they didn't know the name of. He grabbed Jae and made sure she was okay. She was blushing bright red.

"Jae!" Hope Gasped.

Jae fell asleep.

"Wow." Chuckled the boy.

"Who are you?" Asked Karma.

"Im Taehyung." Replied Taehyung. "But call me Tae,For short."

"Alright Tae,Well.Thanks for saving her." Said Hope.

"No Problem." Smiled Tae. "Let me just put her in here, I'll get a pillow and blanket for her. And two blankets for spare,and then my stuff, be right back."

He gently dropped her down with the girls and went inside. Hope closed the door. It took the boys about 5 minutes to come back. But soon enough they did. Tae gave them the blanket's and pillow for Jae and them. They asked the girls where their house was and Karma told them. Once they arrived Hope and Karma went inside. They knew what Jae wanted.

~Karma POV~

Once we arrived in the house I went up to my room. I grabbed my biggest bag. I started filling it with my clothes,My dark red hoodie. And other stuff. I grabbed some stuff I could use when I was bored. And I brought my money jar. You never know. I brought a picture I had. It was with me,Hope,And Jae at the beach. That was the last time we had seen our cousin's. Hopefully they were alright. They were in different countries so hopefully they were alright. I then brought some food and water. And my blanket. Im not using some blanket from a stranger. I got some more stuff and then went into Jae's room and sorted her stuff out.

~Hope's POV~

I grabbed my bag and started filling it with clothes,I was bringing all of my clothes,I wouldn't say we would be coming back here. I grabbed my dark purple hoodie and my mask. My parents gave it to me.Then I grabbed my favorite book. My blanket. And my pillow. They were really small though. I need to have enough space for everything. I then grabbed more supplies we needed. I went downstairs,It seemed as If Karma had taken half of the food. I grabbed some chocolate,And made some sandwiches. I mostly brought everything left. I grabbed another bag for the food. We werent coming back here. So might as well take everything! After that I just took photos and memories of this place. And some space blankets. Just in case. I really should of done some more shopping, There wasnt much food.

~Nobody's POV~

Hope and Karma had 4 bags in total. The food bag. Karma's bag.Hope's bag,And Jae's bag. They walked outside.

"Wait!" Said Karma, Running inside.

She came out with some weapons. A few knifes, A baseball bat. And that was all. Hope and Karma put the bags in the back and realized Jae was still sleeping. Yoongi was arguing about why they even saved the girls.

"They are just more problems to the problem we already have!" Argued Yoongi.

"Just shut up!" Argued Namjoon.

They were silent after the girls entered.

"Where to?" Asked Kookie. Breaking the slience.

"No clue,We need to find somewhere to stay the night." Replied Namjoon.

"Why did they bring so much?" Asked Yoongi.

"Because we can." Said Hope.

Yoongi just rolled his eyes.

As the boys were talking about where to go Hope suddently talked up.

"Can't we just find somewhere to sleep for the night? We can't stay here, People will be coming back as zombies soon. So we need to get to somewhere that's more protected." Said Hope.

"Guys...I need to tell you something." Sighed Namjoon.

They stared at him.

"The apocalypse has been going on for a month. Our town was the last to be hit by it. That's why loads of people left." Announced Namjoon.

"Why didn't you tell us before?!" Asked Yoongi,Anger in his voice.

"I forgot because of all of you idiots." Frowned Namjoon.

"So others places are worse than this place?!" Yoongi said, Glaring at Namjoon.

Namjoon nodded.

Yoongi placed his hands on his head,frustrated.

"Hyung, Calm down." Said Jimin.

"A little bit hard in the apocalypse." Yoongi said coldly.

"Just started driving and then once we find a place,check to make sure its safe, then stay there the night." Suggested Karma.

It was as simple as that. They decided to stay on that plan and start driving.

There were loads of conversations going on. Apart from Yoongi and Taehyung. Taehyung was staring at Jae. Who was sleeping. And Yoongi was focusing on driving. Hope's brain was boiling with questions. Why Did they save us if we hate them? Why do they care for us so much? Why is Yoongi adorable? Oh sh*t. Forget I said anything.

Time Skip.

There was a little gas station. Luckily there was some more petrol for them to keep them going for two days. 10 minutes before that Jae had woken up. They brought their bags inside the gas station. Taehyung made sure the place was safe. It was safe. Hobi tried switching on the lights but it was no use. They just had to make a fire.

"Indoors?!" Gasped Karma.
"It will be small don't worry." Said Jimin.
Yoongi made sure the car was parked somewhere where no one could find it. Then he came back. Jin,being the mother he was,started the fire. Yoongi blocked the door so no one could enter. Or get out. They decided to introduce themselves properly.

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