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Jae,Hope and Karma had decided they would go out and explore the place a bit. They first went around to see all the cars. There was an RV. And a camper van. Where the hell did they get all these things?! Then they went around to a broke down park. There were two little kids there. They went around. There was little shops everywhere. But most of them were broke down. What would you expect? The girls found a bench and sat down.
"Do you guys like anyone?" Smiled Karma evilly.
"N-No!" Blushed Jae.
"Uh Huh." Said Hope.
"Shut up Hope!" Screamed Jae. Not that loud though.
Hope laughed.
"It's obvious you like Tae." Said Karma.
"And it's obvious you like Jimin!" Squealed Jae. Karma blushed like mad.
Hope stayed out of conversation. The girls argued for a bit but then they realized Hope.
"Hope,you like Yoongi!" They both Laughed.
Hope sighed and stood up.
"Cmon,lets go." She said.
The girls nodded and stood up. This happened to Hope a lot. She gets really happy and then she just goes all silent and sad.Mood drop.
They walked back to the apartment in silent. As they entered the building they went into the bathroom for a minute. There was noises coming from it. The people in charge of this rundown place never bothered. Hope entered checking her surroundings. Jae and Karma followed. Karma had a sence that there was danger near but she never spoke up about it.
The noise was coming from one of the stalls.
Hope slowly stepped towards the stall.
Karma took a knife out of her pocket.
Jae was freaking out. "WHY DOES SHE HAVE A KNIFE" Thought Jae secretly running around like mad in her brain.
Hope gently opened the door and a zombie was staring at her,it's eyes watching her. Making its zombie noises. The girls freaked out.
"Shit!" Screamed Hope.
The zombie fell on the floor. Hope backed up. The zombie got up and started limping towards them.
Karma ran over to it and slit its throat open. It fell on the floor.
Karma sighed and opened her bag. She grabbed a gun and shot the zombie in the brain.
"People probably heard that." Worried Hope.
"Who gives a damn. It's their fault for not checking their building!" Argued Karma.
Hope turned to Jae. She was paralyzed.
"J-Jae?!" Hope said shaking Jae.
People burst through the door.
"What the fuck is going on in here?!" Shouted One of the people.
"Your damn building had a walker in here. So much for safety!" Argued Karma.
Two of the people grabbed the zombie and made sure it was dead. It was dead.
They brought the zombie somewhere.
"Get that paralyzed girl back to the hospital!" Ordered the lady.
"Shit..The hospital again." Sighed Karma.
"You two go back to your place,we will update you about Jae." Said the man walking out.
Hope shook her head and walked out. Karma put her weapon in her bag and followed Hope. They didn't even realize the weapons Karma had.

They entered the apartment.
"Where's Jae?" Asked Tae.
"Hospital,again." Replied Hope.
"The hell,why is she gone to hospital again?" Asked Yoongi.
"Long story." Replied Hope walking to the couch. Hope wasn't bothered to explain.
"Where's Peace?" Asked Karma,not really caring.
"She left ages ago." Replied Jimin.
"Good." Sighed Karma.
"What do you mean good?" Asked Hope both shocked and confused.
"She's been a bitch to me now. She ignores me half the time now and when she is in an argument she always looks at me trying to signal me to stop you guys from kicking her out " Explained Karma.
"Hopefully she leaves for good. If we get on the road sooner the better." Sighed Yoongi.
"What do you mean get on the road sooner?" Asked Jin. "We're staying here"
"No we aren't." Said Yoongi.
Hope didn't want to stay for the arguing so she went into the bathroom. She felt sick. There was something wrong with her. There was something wrong with Jae too. But she knew Jae was in much more pain than her. Hope exited the bathroom to find everyone sitting there. Expect for Peace and Jae.
Hope entered the room and sat down.
Everyone was talking about staying or leaving. Hope thought. How the hell do we trust them after hating them most of our lives!? We were the only people in our school that hated them. But we suddenly got stuck with them in the apocalypse and now they are our best friends. Hope suddenly snapped out of her daydream and decided to pay attention to the situation that was going on.
"This place is better than out there!" Pointed out Jin.
"But how can we trust them?!" Argued Yoongi.
"Where's the proof they are bad!?" Argued Jin.
Yoongi stayed quiet.
"Just stop arguing,most of us are tired,just get some rest" yawned Namjoon walking out of the room.
Karma agreed and left to go to her room.
Hope took a knife and left the apartment. She was going to find Jae. She didn't realize it was late. Hope had to sneak into the hospital to see Jae.Hope walked down the street to the hospital thingy. She suddenly saw a shadow of someone. With a gun. She gasped as she followed the anonymous person into the hospital. They were headed for Jae's room. Hope was walking but she couldn't see anything apart from the flashlight that the anonymous person was holding. She was sneaking towards them when she knocked down something.
"Shit!" Whispered Hope.
The anonymous person swiftly turned around and then turned back and ran.
"Screw It." Said Hope running towards them.
The anonymous person knocked some stuff in Hopes way so she had to jump. Hope jumped and ran towards the person. She lost them.
"Damit." She whispered.
Hope ran to Jae's room.
She saw the person. They had a knife.


~The Zombie Apocalypse~ BTS ff.Where stories live. Discover now