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———6 Months Later———

Jimin,Karma,Hope and Yoongi had gone out to get some more supplies. Ever since that horrible day they lost all of their belongings. There were some supplies on the back of the car that they were driving in so they used most of that stuff. But it didn't last long. As they drove up to an abandoned town they drove in quietly.
"That place looks okay." Yoongi said pointing at the little abandoned place.
"Nothing is okay in this world anymore." Mumbled Jimin. Yoongi sighed and moved closer to the building. Hope and Karma were following, Jimin behind them. Yoongi opened the door slowly. It was empty from what they could see.
"Jackpot." Said Jimin looking around.
There was some medicine for Jin. Since the groups last mission to go out and get supplies something had happened to Jin. So he had to stay back. They had a little shop. The gas station. There was some food there before but they ate it all. (Lmao relatable)

There was a room. But it was locked.
"Shit, guys. Do you have anything to open this?" Yoongi Asked frustrated.
"I have a crowbar." Suggested Jimin. Jimin threw it to Yoongi. Yoongi managed to open it, there was a zombie in the room.
"FUCK!" Yoongi said startled. Hope ran over and stabbed the zombie in the head. The zombie fell to the floor.
"Thanks." Yoongi Said. Hope nodded and walked slowly into the room. There was some supplies.
"Everyone grab stuff, the sooner we get out of here the better." Jimin Explained. They nodded.
There was some med kits and some food. There wasn't much water. Hope opened her bag and filled it. Karma had hers already full. Jimin had found a gun. He smiled. Yoongi found some more supplies. They grabbed mostly everything.

"You guys ready?" Karma Asked.

They all nodded. They put everything in their bags and exited the building, sneaking.
As they were running to the car they realized it was surrounded by walkers.

"Just our fucking luck." Jimin coldly said.
They were in trouble as they were surrounded. Every, single, area.

~The Zombie Apocalypse~ BTS ff.Where stories live. Discover now